7[1]Dedria Brytonski,(ed.) Contempory Literary Criticism,Vol.45(Detroit:Gail Research InC.,1978) P520.
8[3]David Srtevenson,"J.D.Salinger.The Mirror of Crisi."The Nation,Vol.184,No.10,9March 1957,P215.
9[4]Charles Kegel,"Incommunicability in Salinger' s The Catcher in the Rye",Studies in J.D.Salinger.Reviews,Essays,and Critiques of The Catcher in the Rye and Other Fiction,Marvin Laser,(ed.).(New York:Odyssey Press,1963)P53-6
10[5]Hence Phonurt,"The Catcher in the Rye:Lonely Youth,"The Study of Salinger(New York:Odyssey Press,1963)P18