
火灾工况下盛装液化气体压力容器的安全泄放量计算方法探讨 被引量:10

Research on Calculation of Safety Relief Capacity of Liquefied Gas Pressure Vessels under External Fire Condition
摘要 火灾工况下压力容器安全泄放量的准确计算是开展压力容器超压泄放设计的基础。调研了API 521—2014,GB/T 150. 1—2011,IMDG—2002/ADR—2015,CGA S-1. 2:2005/CGA S-1. 3:2008等国内外标准对火灾工况下盛装液化气体压力容器的安全泄放量计算方法,对比分析了各计算公式的异同。结果发现,对无隔热层压力容器,虽然各标准的计算公式形式不同,但经过单位换算后各公式完全一致;对有隔热层压力容器,计算公式中环境系数因导热系数取值方法不同而有所不同,但公式来源相同。所得结果对指导工程人员开展压力容器的泄放设计、理解火灾工况液化气体容器风险具有指导意义。 Accurate calculation of safety relief capacity of pressure vessel under fire conditions is the basis for design of overpressure relief of pressure vessels. Survey was carried out on the calculation formulas of safety relief capacity of the liquefied gas pressure vessels under fire condition in domestic and international standards such as API 521-2014, GB/T 150. 1-2011, IMDG-2002/ADR-2015, CGA S - 1.2 : 2005/CGA S -1.3:2008 etc. ,and differences and similarities of the calculation formulas were compared and analyzed. The results show that, for the pressure vessels without insulation, the calculation formulas are fully consistent when they are transformed through unit conversion, although the forms of the calcula- tion formula in those standards are different. Although the environmental coefficients in the calculation methods vary with value taking methods, their source is the same. This discovery is of guiding significance for engineers to conduct relief design of pressure vessels and understand the risk of liquefied gas vessels under fire condition.
作者 吴全龙 WU Quan-long(Shanghai HuaLi Safety Devices Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201108,China)
出处 《压力容器》 北大核心 2018年第10期59-64,共6页 Pressure Vessel Technology
关键词 压力容器 液化气体 火灾工况 安全泄放量 pressure vessel liquefied gas fire condition safety relief capacity
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