本文基于国际一流期刊Science Communication在2008年至2017年发表的354篇论文,从空间分布、发表机构、作者背景、高被引论文、关键词、研究热点等展开计量分析,应用分析工具VOSviewer试图从中来侧面窥探科学传播领域的国际研究热点及演进趋势。过去十年中,科学传播国际研究热点经历了从新闻报道框架、传统媒介、科学素养、生物技术等传统议题到新议题的转变。新媒体视域下的科学传播研究、诉诸视觉的科学传播、公众与前沿科技、新技术风险等议题正在成为科技传播领域的国际研究新热点。
The research analyzes 354 papers published from 2008 to 2017 in the international authoritative journal Science Communication. The temporal and spatial distribution,author and coauthor,affiliation,citation and keyword are analyzed in detail. The application of diagnostic tool VOSviewer reveals the research hotspots and evolution trend in the field of science communication. Specifically,in the past ten years,international science communication research evolved from the framework of news reports, traditional media,scientific literacy, biotechnology and other traditional issues,to new topics such as science communication from the perspective of new media,visual communication,the forefront science and the public,risk in new technology,etc.,which has become new hotspots in the international science communication studies in recent years.
Studies on Science Popularization
Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies(International Scholar Exchange Fellowship Program 2017-2018)