
“北京中轴线”项目申遗有悖于世界遗产精神 被引量:6

Nominating “The Central Axis of Beijing” for World Heritage List Contraries to the Spirit of World Heritage
摘要 "北京中轴线"项目于2013年入录UNESCO世界遗产预备名录,其实质性的遗产内容,实为物质形态的明清北京城南北中心带历史建筑群,而名称却为非物质形态的明清北京紫禁城中轴线及其南北延伸线,混淆了项目的物质与非物质之文化遗产性质,名实不符。以包含紫禁城与天坛两项世界遗产地的方式再另项申遗,是对紫禁城中轴线遗产价值的否定。该项目申遗的论据有三:梁思成先生赞誉的明清北京"南北中轴线"、中国古代都城营建的"中轴线"方法、朱熹的冀都"天地中间"论。但"南北中轴线"的物质遗产内容与"北京中轴线"项目大相径庭;都城营建的"中轴线"方法,未见载于中国典籍(包括《周礼·考工记》);而"天地中间"论,纯属牵强附会之论。明清北京城(1553-1911)是一座城郭不"中规矩"、道路不"中准绳"的都城。实际量测的"北京中轴线",其位置未居明清北京城东西之中、与子午线不平行且交叉成夹角、建筑红线宽度各段不一、非直线而呈三折线。该项目的历史年代划界不清、历史发展脉络阐述不全,回避了历史发展过程中所遭受过的负面影响事件。总之,"北京中轴线"项目有悖于世界遗产精神的可信性、均衡性、真实性与完整性。为了维护中国作为世界遗产大国的国际形象,建议将其从UNESCO世界遗产预备名录中撤回。 The Property of"The Central Axis of Beijing"has been nominated by the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List in 2013.It's substantial heritage contents are essentially the tangible historic architectures along the north-south central belt in old Beijing City,but the name refers to the intangible central axis of Forbidden City and it extends both in north south,which would confuse the Property's nature of culture heritage between the tangible and the intangible.The property name is inconsistent with its content.It denies the heritage value of central axis in Forbidden City by nominating the two annexing World Heritage sites-Forbidden City and Temple of Heaven.The argument that the Property are the"south-north central axis"of Ming-Qing Dynasties' is grounded on three viewpoints:first,Mr.Liang Sicheng had a high claim for it;second the "central axis"method was used for building the ancient capital in past China;third,Zhu Xi believed the capital of Ji State located in "the world center".However,the tangible heritage contents between the"southnorth central axis"and"The Central Axis of Beijing"are quite different.The"central axis"method of capital construction is not recorded in any Chinese classics,including Rites of Zhou Dynasty(Zhou Li),and the viewpoint of"the world center"is senseless.Beijing Walled City(1553-1911)is the capital where walls' design did not observe the norm,and the streets' plan did not comply with the criterion.According to the measure of"The Central Axis of Beijing",it is not located at the center between the west and east boundaries of old Beijing Walled City.It crosses the meridian with the included angle,the width of the red line of the building varies in its different sections,and it is not a straight line but the tri-linear.As a property,its definition of historical period and description of Historical development context are unclear.Also,the negative effects that have been suffered in its past development are not recorded.In brief,the property of"The Central Axis of Beijing"contraries to credibility,balance,authenticity and integrity of the spirit of World Heritage.Therefore,in order to safeguard China's international image as a country of world heritage,this paper recommends to withdraw this bidding from the UNESCO world heritage tentative list.
作者 阙维民 Que Weimin(Urban & Environmental Sciences College,Peking University,Beijing,100871)
出处 《中国历史地理论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期5-25,共21页 Journal of Chinese Historical Geography
基金 2016年国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:41671156)
关键词 南北中心线 中轴线 “南北中轴线” “北京中轴线” 世界遗产精神 Central Line in North--South Central Axis "Central Axis in North--South" "Central Axis" "The Central Axis of Beijing" Spirit of World Heritage
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