Socialist core values are hierarchical in structure and connotation, whereas the development of college students from freshman year to graduation is gradational in nature. The linkage of hierarchy and gradation in the cultivation of college students' socialist core values is manifested in the linkage between the hierarchy of training objectives for different academic years and the sequence of college students' moral development, in the linkage between the hierarchy of undergraduate communities and the disparity in college students' moral development, as well in the linkage between the sequence of college students' acceptance of socialist core values and hierarchical evaluation. Targeted and phased cultivation based on the university level, field level, grade level and group level is the practical principle of improving the hierarchy and gradation of the cultivation of university students' social core values. This mode of cultivation also serves as the " ship" and "bridge" in navigating the process of integrating socialist core values education into the entire process of university students' ideological and political education.
SONG Junli;KONG Guoqing(Research Center of Teenager Issues,Henan Nonnal University,Xinxiang Henan 453007,China;School of Marxism,Nanyang Normal University,Nanyang Henan 473061,China)
Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University