

An Analysis on the Conversion of White American Women to Islam
摘要 进入21世纪,美国白人女性改宗皈依伊斯兰教的人数呈不断上升趋势,其原因有基于对基督教和伊斯兰教的主观理解,有基于对美国妇女权益保护问题与《古兰经》女性权益思想的比较,有基于对伊斯兰教苏菲派在美国灵活传教和实践方式的认可,以及认为可从伊斯兰教中寻得某种心理慰藉。美国各界对改宗现象看法不一,接受者认为这是个人选择自由,而批评者则认为这是一种对文化乃至种族的背叛。笔者认为,改宗反映了部分白人女性对美国一些所谓的主流价值观的不满,如忽视女性自然特性的男女绝对平等观等。但是,改宗并不能解决人们面临的众多现实问题,按照马克思主义对宗教功能的评价,改宗不过是在寻求一种新的精神麻醉替代品而已。美国白人女性改宗背后的社会文化问题,值得人们进一步思考。 Since the beginning of the 21st century, the number of white American women converting to Islam has been on a constant rise. The reasons for their conversion are based on: ( 1 ) subjective understanding of Christianity and Islam ; (2) making a comparison between the protection of women' s rights and interests in the United States and the ideas of women' s rights and interests expressed in the Quran ; (3) accepting the flexible religious practices of the Sufis in the United States; and (4) believing that they could seek some kind of psychological comfort from Islam. Within the American society, views on religious conversion vary. Those accepting conversion believe this is a freedom of personal choice, while those opposing it hold such an act as a cultural or even racial betrayal. The author deems that conversion reflects dissatisfaction of some white women with the so-called "mainstream" values in the U. S. , such as the view of absolute equality between men and women that i^nores the natural characteristics of women. However, conversion does not solve many of the realistic problems people face. According to a Marxist evaluation with regard to the function of religion, conversion is simply a way to seek a new alternative to mental anesthesia. Behind the conversion of white women, the social and cultural problems in the United States deserve our further reflection.
作者 马莉
出处 《世界民族》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期66-75,共10页 Journal of World Peoples Studies
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