
一类饮料生产线码垛机器人的设计原理研究 被引量:1

Research on Design Principle of a Kind of Palletizing Robot in Beverage Production Line
摘要 该文对一类应用于饮料生产线的双平行四边形结构码垛机器人进行设计原理的研究,构建机器人的机构原理图,开发机器人的运动学算法从而建立机器人运动控制系统与机械系统连接的桥梁,采用几何包络方法绘制该类机器人的工作空间从而为生产线机器人的空间布局提供依据,借助激光追踪仪标定机器人的几何参数从而保证机器人精确定位,最后通过饮料生产线的机器人现场展示体现设计开发成果。 The paper studies on the design principle of a kind of palletizing robot with double parallelogram structure applied to beverage production line. The robot principle diagram and kinematics algorithm are built for connecting motion control system and mechanical system. The robot workspace is drawn with geometric enveloping method for the basis of space layout of production line robot. With the help of a laser tracking instrument,geometric parameters of the robot are calibrated for the precise positioning. Finally, design and development results are shown through the on-site display in beverage production line.
作者 郭小宝 赵振 黄伟 贾志闻 GUO Xiao-bao;ZHAO Zhen;HUANG Wei;JIA Zhi-wen(Research Institute of Intelligent Equipment,Hangzhou WAIJAHA Group R&D,Hangzhou 310020,China)
出处 《饮料工业》 2018年第4期65-68,共4页 Beverage Industry
基金 高档数控机床与基础制造装备科技重大专项(2011ZX04013-011)
关键词 饮料生产线 码垛机器人 机构原理 运动学 工作空间 标定 beverage production line palletizing robot mechanism kinematics workspace calibration
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