
比较诗学、认知诗学与世界诗学的理论建构 被引量:5

Comparative Poetics, Cognitive Poetics and the Construction of World Poetics
摘要 “世界文学”近年来已成为国际人文学科的又一个热门话题。当年歌德之所以提出世界文学的构想,一个主要的原因就在于,他在读了包括中国文学在内的一些非西方文学作品后颇受启发故提出了这一构想。本文作者在西方学者的先期研究基础上,从比较的和中国的视角提出一种世界诗学的理论建构。作者认为,世界诗学的建构有着世界文学和比较诗学的基础,此外,近几年来认知诗学的异军突起和日臻成熟,也为我们建构一种普适性的文学阐释理论或世界诗学提供了必要的基础。在此基础上,作者认为,建构世界诗学的理论根据主要有这三点:(1)世界诗学是基于世界文学和比较诗学研究成果的一种理论升华,而当今占据主流的西方文论并未涵盖不同国别和民族的文学和理论经验;(2)迄今所有具有相对普适性的文学阐释理论都产生于西方语境,由于其语言和文化背景的局限,这些理论的提出者不可能将其涵盖东西方文学和理论的范畴和经验,尽管一些理论家凭着深厚的学养和理论把握能力通过强制性阐释使自己的理论教义也能用于非西方文学阐释,但毕竟漏洞很多;(3)中国学者始终关注西方文学理论的前沿课题,同时又有东方的本土文学和理论批评经验,因此中国学者完全有能力提出这一理论建构。作者在对建构世界诗学的路径加以阐释后指出,世界诗学构想的提出,有助于世界文学理论概念的进一步完善,它作为一个由中国学者提出并且值得国际学界关注和讨论的理论话题,将改变和修正现有的世界文学和文论格局。 World literature has in recent years become another heatedly discussed cutting edge theoretical topic in international humanities. Goethe first conceptualized this term a hundred and ninety years ago largely due to the fact that he was inspired by some non- Western literary works he had read, including Chinese literary works. Based on the readymade research results, the article, largely from a Chinese and comparative perspective, puts forward a theoretical construction of world poetics. According to the author, the construction of world poetics has a solid foundation Of both world literature and comparative poetics. Besides, the newly emergent cognitive poetics which has been more and more mature has also provided for the construction of world poetics, which is also a sort of universal interpretive theot3, of literature. The theoretical foundation of constructing such a world poetics mainly lies in the following three aspects. (1) World poetics is a theoretical sublimation of the research results of world literature and comparative poetics as the dominant Western fiterary theory in the present era does not cover all the experiences of different national literatures and critical theories. (2) So far almost all the relatively universal literary interpretive theories are from the West, which due to the limit of their languages and cultural backgrounds can hardly cover all the literary and theoretical categories and experiences. Although some Western theorists, depending upon their profound theoretical attainment and superb interpretive power, impose their theoretical doctrines upon interpreting non-Western literary phenomena, their interpretations can hardly beeffective and convincing.(3) Chinese scholars are always concerned about the cutting edge issues in Western fiterary theory while obtaining rich local literry and critical experiences. They have full right to put forward this theoretical construction. The author points out after explaining his way of constructing world poetics that to put forward this theoretical construction may well help perfect world literary theory and conceptualization.As a theoretical issue set forth by Chinese scholars worth attracting their international counterparts' attention, it will change and revise the established world literary and theoretical framework,
作者 王宁
出处 《文学理论前沿》 CSSCI 2017年第2期1-18,共18页 Frontiers of Literary Theory
基金 作者主持承担的国家社会科学基金重大招标项目“马克思主义与世界文学研究”[批号:14ZDB082]的阶段性成果
关键词 比较诗学 世界文学 世界诗学 普适性 阐释理论 Comparative poetics world literature world poetics universality interpretive theory
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