网络技术热潮的兴起使工程设计软件面临着崭新的发展思路 ,即工程软件的网络化。结合 Java及局域网技术 ,将重力式码头结构优化设计及绘图集成系统 (该系统于 2 0 0 1年 7月 2 6日通过了交通部部级审定 )的设计平台扩展到整个局域网。新的系统具有“双环结构”的物理构成 ,不同的设计者对同一工程的不同设计方案 ,通过扩充后的 web服务器来调度核心计算服务器 (PCs集群 )实施网络协同设计。
With the development of network technology, the development of software for engineering design is facing a completely new way of thinking, which is the development of network software for engineering designs Combining Java with LAN technology, the Structural Design Optimization System and Its Plotting System for gravity quaywall structures, which was examined and approved by the Ministry of Communications on July 26, 2001, has been extended to the whole LAN The new system is composed of two circle layers When different designers are making different design proposals for a same project, coordinated designs can be executed on the core computation server (PCs cluster) with the coordination of the extended Web server
China Harbour Engineering