Let A be an algebra of finite Cohen-Macaulay type and F its Cohen-Macaulay Auslander algebra. We are going to characterize the morphism category Mor(∧-Gproj) of Gorenstein-projective ∧-modules in terms of the module category F-mod by a categorical equivalence. Based on this, we obtain that some factor category of the epimorphism category Epi(∧-Gproj) is a Frobenius category, and also, we clarify the relations among Mor(∧-Gproj), Mor(T2(∧)-Gproj) and Mor(△-Gproj), where T2(∧) and △ are respectively the lower triangular matrix algebra and the Morita ring closely related to ∧.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11771272)