
高职院校科研共同体的构建——以上海工艺美术职业学院为例 被引量:3

Construction of Scientific Research Community in Higher Vocational Colleges——A Case Study on Shanghai Art & Design Academy
摘要 高职院校教师自身科研能力有限,在科研成果产出方面有一定困难。文章运用案例研究的方法,通过对上海工艺美术职业学院科研共同体实践案例的研究,对其产生的初步成效进行分析,探索高职院校搭建科研共同体的实践意义,而搭建科研共同体是提升高职院校科研实力的有效途径。 In higher vocational college, It is difficult for the teachers to improve their scientific research capability and obtain high quality scientific research achievements. This article puts forward that building research community is an effective way to promote scientific research strength in higher vocational college. By using the method of case study, this article analyzes the preliminary results of the research community of Shanghai Art Design Academy, and explores the practical significance of establishing scientific research community in higher vocational colleges.
作者 刘素芹
出处 《创意设计源》 2018年第3期77-80,共4页 Idea & Design
基金 上海工艺美术职业学院2016年度院级重点课题项目"职业院校教科研共同体搭建的实践研究--以上海工艺美术职业学院为例"(项目编号:GYMY2016026)阶段性成果
关键词 高职院校 教科研人员 科研共同体 Higher vocational collegeAcademic and research staff Scientific research community
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