
论我国商业秘密保护专门法的制定 被引量:32

On the Establishment of Special Law on the Protection of Trade Secrets in China
摘要 在贸易全球化和供应链互联互通的影响下,商业秘密作为企业无形资产的一个重要组成部分,在市场竞争中发挥了越来越重要的作用。由于互联网、云存储、大数据和人工智能等新兴技术的勃兴,盗用商业秘密的不法行为日益猖獗,发达国家更加重视通过制定商业秘密单行法,加强对侵害商业秘密行为的民事制裁与刑事制裁。我国现行的商业秘密保护规定散见于不同法律法规和司法解释中,缺乏系统性、有序性和逻辑自洽性。此外,相关法律之间在有关概念、原则上缺少协调统一,易产生法律竞合问题,徒增法律适用难度。以至于在我国形成了商业秘密保护"维权难、举证难、赔偿难、审理难、胜诉难"的"五难"困境。为此,本文以国际商业秘密保护协议和欧美商业秘密特别立法为参照,从立法、司法、行政执法和企业守法与法律意识等方面分析了我国商业秘密保护制度的现状。重点探讨了我国商业秘密专门立法中亟待解决的重点难点问题。最后论证了我国制定商业秘密保护专门立法的必要性和可行性。 As an important part of enterprises’ intangible assets, the trade secret plays an increasingly important role in market competition under the influence of trade globalization and the interconnection of supply chain. With the boom of emerging technologies such as the Internet, cloud storage, big data and artifcial intelligence, the misappropriation of trade secret become more and more rampant. Developed countries pay more attention to the enactment of special law on trade secret, and strengthen the civil and criminal sanctions against infringement of trade secret. The China's current legal provisions on trade secret scattered in different laws, regulations and judicial interpretations, which are lack of order, systematicness, logic and self-consistency. There still exist legal concurrences because the concepts and principles in relative regulations are inconsistent, which increased the diffculty in application the law. In our country, there are fve dilemmas in trade secret protection: diffcult to defend rights, difficult to prove, difficult to be compensated, difficult to hear such cases, difficult to win a lawsuit. This article specifically references the international trade secret protection agreement and special law on trade secret in European and American countries, analyzes the present situation of trade secret protection system from the aspects of legislation, administration of justice, law enforcement, enterprises’ law-abiding awareness and legal consciousness, etc. It probes into the key and difficult issues to be solved in special law on trade secret and proves the necessity and feasibility of formulating and promulgating special law on trade secret.
出处 《电子知识产权》 CSSCI 2018年第10期34-88,共55页 Electronics Intellectual Property
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(项目批准号:14ZDB146)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 商业秘密 立法 疑难问题 Commercial Secret Legislation Problems
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