
刚毛柽柳Thb HLH1转录因子识别的顺式作用元件的鉴定 被引量:1

Identification of Cis-acting Elements Recognized by ThbHLH1 Transcription Factor of Tamarix hispida
摘要 [目的]本研究拟对Thb HLH1所识别的顺式作用元件进行鉴定,进一步揭示Thb HLH1调控抗逆基因表达的机理。[方法]利用以转录因子为中心的酵母单杂交系统鉴定Thb HLH1所识别的顺式作用元件;将元件与报告基因融合构建报告载体(p CAM-Cis),通过基因枪法将报告载体与效应载体35S∶Thb HLH1共转化烟草叶片,在盐、干旱胁迫下比较GUS酶活。[结果]鉴定出2段能够与Thb HLH1转录因子结合的DNA序列:分别为CCGAAA(LTRE1)和TGAC(WRKY710S)。[结论]在盐或干旱胁迫下,Thb HLH1通过与LTRE1或WRKY710S元件作用来激活基因表达。 [Objective]To further study the mechanism of ThbHLH1 overexpression on improving the salt and drought tolerance of Tamarix hispida. [Method] The cis-acting elements recognized by ThbHLH1 were identified with the transcription factor-centered yeast one hybridization( TF-centered Y1 H) method. To confirm the results of TF-centered Y1 H,the effector construct 35 S∶ ThbHLH1 was co-transformed with each reporter constructs p CAM-Cis into tobacco leaves with the particle bombardment method,and then the GUS activity was determined under salt or drought stress. [Result]ThbHLH1 could recognize LTRE1( CCGAAA) and WRKY710 S( TGAC) Cis-acting elements. [Conclusion]The results show that Thb HLH1 activates gene expression under salt or drought stress by interacting with LTRE1 or WRKY710 S motifs.
作者 及晓宇 李子义 卢惠君 聂显光 王玉成 Jl Xiao-yu;LI Zi-yi;LU Hui-jun;NIE Xian-guang;WANG Yu-cheng(State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040,Heilongjiang,China)
出处 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期42-49,共8页 Forest Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31500535) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(2572017DA01)
关键词 刚毛柽柳 bHLH转录因子 非生物胁迫 酵母单杂交 基因表达调控 Tamarix hispida bHLH transcription factor abiotic stress yeast one hybrid gene expression regulation
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