本文基于雷诺时均N-S方程(RANS),结合k-ε湍流模型及VOF(Volume of Fluid)方法,对在均匀流体及强分层流体中运动的suboff模型粘性流场及尾迹特征进行数值预报。首先,对均匀流体中suboff粘性流场进行数值试验,并通过网格无关性验证及suboff水动力性能、艇体压力分布等计算结果与试验结果的对比验证了本文数值方法的有效性与可靠性。其次,实现了强分层流体中运动suboff内波尾迹的数值预报。通过对比2种工况下suboff尾迹特征的空间分部及细节流场,分析了内波对suboff尾迹的影响方式。
By solving the unsteady RANS(Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes) equations in combination with the k-ε turbulence model and VOF method, the viscous flow as well as the hydrodynamic wakes of the suboff model while moving in both homogeneous and stratified fluid is simulated. At the first stage, homogeneous fluid case(case A) are designed as benchmark test case. The predicted wake field, surface pressure distribution and the hydrodynamic forces acting on the hull agree well with the corresponding experimental data, implying the capability of the present method in the prediction of the hydrodynamic wakes of the suboff model. The stratified fluid case(case B) are then carried out to study the internal wave of the suboff model. The difference of the wake fields of both cases are analyzed to investigate the importance of the internal wave to the characteristic of the submarine wakes.
MENG Qing-jie;PENG Liang;DENG Hai-hua(Wuhan Second Ship Development Design Institute,Wuhan 430064,China)
Ship Science and Technology