
社会分化、民主失灵与美国政治的未来前景 被引量:7

Social Cleavages,Democratic Lapse and the Future of American Politics
摘要 任何政治制度都根植于特定的社会结构之中,当前美国的民主失灵和政治僵局有其深刻的社会根源。文章从政治社会学的视角出发,讨论了美国社会分化对民主政治运转带来的深刻影响。从历史长时段来看,美国通过一系列制度设计和理念引导维持了不同社会群体在多元与一致之间的平衡,进而保障了美国民主制度的良好运行。然而,自20世纪70年代至今,贫富差距的扩大、政治价值的对立和种族矛盾的复杂化导致了美国社会的极化与裂痕。在其作用下,当前美国的政治主题正从政策供给的分歧转向对国家认同的争论,政治过程从依靠利益动员转向身份动员,政治功能从权力制衡转向相互否决,这些都大大加剧了美国民主的僵化与失灵。特朗普竞选期间和执政以来的一系列言行带有民粹主义、保守主义和种族主义的强烈色彩,不仅无助于弥合社会旧有的伤口,相反刺激了社会群体的进一步撕裂,为自己的施政制造了巨大障碍。未来美国的政治走向取决于能否解决阶层、种族和意识形态三大矛盾,能否重建一个相对同质化的社会。 Any political system has its roots in the societal structures specific to its particular context.As such,the present setback and political stalemate faced by American democracy has profound societal roots.This article discusses the tremendous impact of America’s social cleavages on the functioning of its democratic political system from a perspective of political-sociology.Throughout the course of its history,the United States has used a series of institutional mechanisms and conceptual constructs to guide and maintain a balance between diverse and homogenous social groups,thereby ensuring the positive operation of America’s democratic institutions.From the 1970suntil the present,economic inequality in the United States has widened,and divisions over political values and racial contradictions have become more complex,causing polarization and fissures to form within American society.This has had the effect of shifting the core concern of American politics from policy provision to debate over national identity.Political processes have further shifted from the mobilization of interests to the mobilization of identity,and the political function has shifted from working to achieve a balance of power to complete mutual negation.These changes have all greatly aggravated the political stalemate and broader lapse in American democracy.Starting from Trump’s presidential campaign and continuing into his administration,narratives and actions have both taken on strong undertones of nationalism,conservatism and racism.This has not addressed old wounds within society,and to the contrary,has caused further fissures between social groups,creating tremendous obstacles for Trump’s own government.The future of American politics depends on its ability to address contradictions across class,race and ideological lines,and upon whether it can reconstruct a relatively homogenous society.
作者 刘世强 赵乐
出处 《当代亚太》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期129-155,159-160,共27页 Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies
基金 西南财经大学2018年度中央高校基本科研业务费项目“习近平新时代中国特色社会主义外交思想研究”(项目编号:XZX18003)的阶级性成果.
关键词 社会分化 民主失灵 贫富差距 种族矛盾 认同对立 Signaling Costs Alliance Dilemma Arms Sales American Allies Deterrence TheoryAbout the Author:Qi Haixia is an Associate Professor in the Department of Contemporary International Relations of Tsinghua UniversitySocial Cleavages Democratic lapse Economic Imbalance Racial Contradictions Clashing Identities
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