

On the Ideals and Practice of Newspaperman Peng Yizhong in Running a Newspaper in Late-Qing Dynasty
摘要 研究中国近现代的新闻事业,彭翼仲是绕不开的晚清报人。在那个万马齐喑的时代,他以自己的预见、胆识和魄力,开启了民间办报的风气,先后创办了《启蒙画报》《京话日报》和《中华报》三家报纸。作为一个中国人,他忧心国家民族之命运;作为一个仕途不顺的文人,他有着传统士大夫谏言论政之心理;作为一个与社会底层近距离接触的庶民,他也有着敢于为民众发声的精神和勇气。近现代是中国社会政局动荡时期,在国家危亡的同时亦孕育着脱胎新生。国家兴亡,匹夫有责。彭翼仲用实际行动很好地诠释了一个有担当的中国报人在时代面前应有的社会责任感。 When studying the news business in modem China, Peng Yizhong,the newspaperman in late Qing dynasty, can’t be neglected. In a time when there was almost no free expression at all in the society, he began to run the newspaper as the first citizen with his foresight and courage, and wisdom. Successively, he created three newspapers : Enlightening Pictures, Peking Daily, and Chinese Newspaper. As a Chinese, he worried about the fate of the country and nation ; as a literary man whose official career was not smooth, he was willing to give his suggestions about politics like a traditional scholar would do in China; and as an ordinary person who had close experience with the bottom of society,he dared to speak for the people with courageous spirit. In modem and contemporary China, the social politics was in great turbulence while the new birth was also bred in the dangerous and critical moment. The rise and fall of a nation is the responsibility of an ordinary citizen. With his practical action, Peng Yizhong explained well the sense of social responsibility that a newspaperman should have in face of the era.
作者 郑晓锋 Zheng Xiaofeng(Literature School,Shandong University,Jinan City,Shandong Province,250100)
机构地区 山东大学文学院
出处 《黄河科技大学学报》 2018年第6期45-50,共6页 Journal of Huanghe S&T University
关键词 晚清 彭翼仲 报刊 论政 启蒙 late Qing dynsty Peng Yizhong newspaper discussion on politics enlightenment
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