
总体城市设计:塑造城市特色的“适度设计” 被引量:23

General Urban Design: A "Moderate Design" in Shaping City Characteristics
摘要 从城市总体规划空间体系的角度,通过对城市总体规划和总体城市设计关系的梳理,解析了总体城市设计项目的定位,认为总体城市设计是城市物质空间规划中针对"城市总体空间骨架和形象特色"问题的一个专项设计,应该与其他城市总体规划专项一并编制、修编和实施,并在此基础上提出了"适度设计"的理念。通过对西方城市设计经典理论和案例的介绍与分析,针对城市总体层面的空间设计问题,以人与空间关系为切入点,阐述了"自下而上"的设计元素提炼过程,以及设计元素塑造的原则与方法,旨在使总体城市设计的设计目标、对象更具有指向性,成果更具有可操作性。 From the perspective of spatial system of city comprehensive planning, the paper discusses the issues of general urban design position in city comprehensive planning and deems that general urban design is a special project within city comprehensive planning focusing on the city space structure and landscape characteristics. Therefore, it should be designed, revised and implemented at the same time of the city planning implementation process. Based on the above views, the paper puts forwards the "moderate design" concept of general urban design. Through the literature reviews and case studies of western general urban design, the paper discusses the design elements of general urban design, their "from bottom to top" extracting process, and shaping principle and methods in terms of the relationship between people and space. This is to help to ensure the objective and target directionality and the outcomes manipuility of general urban design documents.
作者 金广君 JIN Guangjun
出处 《上海城市规划》 2018年第5期1-7,共7页 Shanghai Urban Planning Review
关键词 总体城市设计 适度设计 城市特色 空间廊道 意象片区 General urban design Moderate design City characteristics Space corridor Image district
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