

On Military Thought of Wu Zi
摘要 《吴子》又名《吴起兵法》《吴子兵法》等。战国吴起撰。吴起是战国初期杰出的军事家、政治家。《吴子兵法》是吴起千百次军事斗争的经验总结和实践结果。其继承以往的兵学理论,结合当时的军事形势,总结自己的作战经验,集中地论述了战争原则、战略思想、军事策略、治军宗旨和军队建设等问题,得出了诸如"先和而后造大事","审敌虚实而趋其危","兵不在衆,以治为胜",将帅要"文武兼备,刚柔相济"等等一系列宝贵的军事见解。吴起作为一名军事家,常与孙武并称。《孙子》《吴子》向来相提并论,被奉为兵学经典。《吴子》不仅在中国兵学史上占有重要地位,而且在世界军事史上,享有较高声誉。 Wu Zi,written by Wu Qi who lived in Warring States period,is also known as The Military Science of Wu Qi and The Military Science of Wu Zi.Wu Qi was an outstanding strategist and statesman in the early Warring States period.The Military Science of Wu Zi was the experience summary and practical result of Wu Qi's thousand military struggles.By inheriting the former military theory,combining with the military situation at that time and summing up his own combat experience,Wu Qi concentrates on the issues of war principle,strategic thinking,military strategy,military purposes and army building,and concluded many valuable military insights such as:"Peace is the first,and then do major events","Judge the enemy's weakness and attack it","A strong army does not lie in quantity,but in governance",Generals must"be accomplished with both the pen and the sword,and alternate kindness with severity".As a military strategist,Wu Qi has been as famous as Sun Wu.SunZiand Wu Zi have always been mentioned in the same breath,and have been regarded as classics of military science.Wu Zi not only occupies an important position in the history of Chinese military science,but also enjoys a high reputation in the world military history.
作者 孙董霞 SUN Dong-xia(School of Literature,LanZhou University of Arts and Science,Lanzhou 730000,China)
出处 《兰州文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第6期116-122,共7页 Journal of Lanzhou University of Arts and Science(Social Science Edition)
关键词 《吴子》 战争原则 战略思想 治军宗旨 将帅观 Wu Zi principles of war strategic thinking the purpose of governing the army the concept of generals
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