The techniques of radioimmunoassay and sound spectrum were used to test and compare the sero-testosterone(T),sero-estradiol(E_2) and the voice fundamental frequenies of 92 Chinese local opera girl and boy;students(12~19 years old) in March 1993 and June 1994,and found that:The highest frequency increased in the various female and rnale age-groups,but remarkably in female.The lowest frequency increased with each passing year in female,while it decreased abviously in the various male age-groups.The vioce frequency band widened remarkably with each passing year in all the age-groups.But after the age of 17,both variables for the voice frequency bend of female and male approximately equalled to each atter,For either female or male,the T formed a negetive correlate to voice fundamental frequncies,while the E2 and voice fundamental frequencies formed a reverse relation,but the former displayed obviously than the latter.
Journal of Audiology and Speech Pathology