

The Ideological Foundation for the formation of the Historic Mission of “Four Greats” in a New Era
摘要 党的十九大从中国特色社会主义进入新时代的重大政治论断出发,揭示了进行伟大斗争、建设伟大工程、推进伟大事业、实现伟大梦想的中国共产党历史使命。"四个伟大"历史使命体现了中国共产党将历史与现实相统一,使命与担当相贯通,理论与实践相结合,在团结带领中国人民接续奋斗中始终保持高度政治自觉的思想发展轨迹。"四个伟大"历史使命体现了中国共产党人坚持马克思主义中国化大众化时代化的历史传统,不断开辟当代中国马克思主义、21世纪马克思主义新境界的思想发展轨迹。"四个伟大"历史使命体现了中国共产党人顺应世界潮流,把握时代脉动,回应重大实践课题的思想发展脉络。"四个伟大"历史使命体现了中国共产党人深刻认识和把握共产党执政规律、社会主义建设规律、人类社会发展规律的思想发展境界。 On the basis of the great political judgment that socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, the 19th Party Congress reveals the historic mission of the Communist Party of China to undertake a great struggle, carry out a great project, advance a great cause, and realize a great dream. The historic mission of “four greats” embodies the Communist Party of China’s ideological development track, of unswerving high political consciousness in uniting and leading the Chinese people in continuous struggle, to integrate history and reality, mission and accountability, and theory and practice. The historic mission of “four greats” embodies the Communist Party of China’s historical tradition of upholding the sinicization, popularization, and temporization of Marxism, and its ideological development track to continuously break new grounds for contemporary Chinese Marxism and Marxism in the 21st century. The historic mission of “four greats” embodies the Communist Party of China’s ideological development track to follow the world trend, grasp the pulsation of the times, and respond to the great practical issues. The historic mission of “four greats” embodies the Chinese communists’ ideological development status in profound comprehension and grasp of the laws of communist governance, the laws of socialist construction, and the laws of social development.
作者 齐卫平 高至利 QI Weiping;GAO Zhili(Department of Political Science,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241;School of Marxism Studies,Donghua University,Shanghai,201620)
出处 《中国浦东干部学院学报》 2018年第5期5-11,82,共8页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong
基金 国家哲学社会科学重大课题专项委托项目"十八大以来党中央治国理政的党建思想研究"(项目批准号:16ZZD036)阶段性成果
关键词 新时代 中国共产党的历史使命 “四个伟大” 思想发展脉络 new era historic mission of the Communist Party of China "four greats" ideological development track








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