The Communist Manifesto is the first programmatic document that systematically expounds scientific communism, the earliest manifesto by the communists to transform the capitalist society, and an important symbol for the birth of Marxism. For us communists and Marxists, the Manifesto is an extremely valuable legacy. At the 170th publication anniversary of the Manifesto, to reread intensively and think profoundly over the Manifesto in the historical course of reform and opening up is of great significance for us to comprehensively grasp the basic principles of Marxism and adapt them to the great course of socialism with Chinese characteristics and further of communism. Study of the Manifesto should focus on the “general principles that are still completely correct” expounded in the Manifesto and Marx’s basic ideas.
CHEN Wentong(College of Economics,Party School of the Central Committee of CPC〔Chinese Academy of Governance〕,Beijing 100091)
Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong