According to Marxist political economy, the ownership system of the means of production is a prerequisite and condition for the relations of production, a foundation for the relations of production, and a major form to embody a country's economic system. The ownership system foundational to the relations of production must suit with the nature of productive forces. Otherwise, it will destine to repress and constrain both the development of productive forces and the progress of human societies. Therefore, in the process of economic system reform in socialist countries, the issue of change in ownership as important component of economic system is unavoidable to determine the structure and forms of ownership suitable with the development of productive forces. Concurrent levels of productive forces determine the specific forms of ownership that should be applied in various stages of socialist development. In the process of economic system reform, the form of ownership system should be determined via brave exploration from the facts with the criteria of “three favorables” raised by Deng Xiaoping. For a long period, the Soviet Union insisted the traditional ownership theory of “large, collective, and pure”. In the Soviet Union, state-owned enterprises had always been deemed as the economy under ownership by the whole people and as the advanced form of socialist economy. Even though the ownership theory and actual policies loosed slightly in 1980s, the homogeneous public ownership structure dominated by state ownership system remained unchanged before the radical change of the Soviet Union in 1990. The state ownership even advanced further. This made difficult for the combination of producers and means of production, and impossible for the economic system reform to be oriented toward a market economy.
LU Nanquan(Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100732)
Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong
Soviet Union
theory of ownership
economic system reform