Human infection of Toxocara canis in eye is usually an outcome of accidental ingestion of the embryonated eggs. The average age at diagnosis of ocular Toxocariasis is 7.5 years, ranging from 2 to 31 years. It constitutes 1%-2% of uveitis in children. Diagnosis is based upon the clinical features observed in a young patient and confirmed by the presence of specific Ig G in the serum or aqueous humor by Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test. We report a case of Presumed Toxocara infection in 45-year-old male which is unique in presentation with multifocal granulomata in retina. Our Pub Med search could not produce case with similar presentation. Probably this is the first reported case of multifocal granulomata in presumed ocular Toxocara in any age
Human infection of Toxocara canis in eye is usually an outcome of accidental ingestion of the embryonated eggs. The average age at diagnosis of ocular Toxocariasis is 7.5 years, ranging from 2 to 31 years. It constitutes 1%-2% of uveitis in children. Diagnosis is based upon the clinical features observed in a young patient and confirmed by the presence of specific IgG in the serum or aqueous humor by Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test. We report a case of Presumed Toxocara infection in 45-year-old male which is unique in presentation with multifocal granulomata in retina. Our PubMed search could not produce case with similar presentation. Probably this is the frst reported case of multifocal granulomata in presumed ocular Toxocara in any age group