Ulcerative colitis(UC) is an inflammatory destructive disease of the large intestine occurred usually in the rectum and lower part of the colon as well as the entire colon. Drug therapy is not the only choice for UC treatment and medical management should be as a comprehensive whole. Many synthetic drugs are available for the treatment of UC like 5-aminosalicylic acid, oral or systemic corticosteroids, immunomodulator, etc. but these drugs are associated with many serious side effects after long term use or have certain disadvantage or not suitable for the use in some patients. In short synthetic drugs have many disadvantages and for this reason effective and safe alternative drug treatment for the UC is the challenge. Herbal drugs are found to be very promising results of the treatment of UC and enzymatic level. Researchers explored many herbal drugs for the treatment and even many more may found effective in the treatment of UC. At this point we feel herbal medicine is the better alternative for the treatment of UC.
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an inflammatory destructive disease of the large intestine occurred usually in the rectum and lower part of the colon as well as the entire colon. Drug therapy is not the only choice for UC treatment and medical management should be as a comprehensive whole. Many synthetic drugs are available for the treatment of UC like 5-aminosalicylic acid, oral or systemic corticosteroids, immunomodulator, etc . but these drugs are associated with many serious side effects after long term use or have certain disadvan-tage or not suitable for the use in some patients. In short synthetic drugs have many disadvantages and for this reason effective and safe alternative drug treatment for the UC is the challenge. Herbal drugs are found to be very promising results of the treatment of UC and enzymatic level. Researchers explored many herbal drugs for the treatment and even many more may found effective in the treatment of UC. At this point we feel herbal medicine is the better alternative for the treatment of UC.