
关于3D打印技术在心脏超声教学中应用效果的随机对照试验 被引量:7

Application effect of 3D printing in teaching of echocardiography:A randomized controlled trial
摘要 目的探讨3D打印技术在心脏超声教学中的应用效果。方法选取中国医科大学影像班本科生60名作为研究对象,使用计算机将这60名学生随机分为两组,每组各30名学生。试验组采用3D打印心脏模型的方法配合多媒体教学;对照组采用传统教具配合多媒体教学。采用不同的教学方法教学3个月后对两组学生采用相同的测验以评价两组间教学效果的差异。所有学生均需完成学习满意度调查,以评价两组间学生教学满意度的差异。结果试验组学生测验成绩高于对照组的测验成绩,二者的差异具有统计学意义(P=0.004);试验组学生学习满意度高于对照组的学习满意度,二者的差异具有统计学意义(P=0.009)。结论将3D打印技术应用于超声医学教学中,有利于提高学生的学习成绩和学习满意度。 Objective To explore the application effect of 3D printing in echocardiography teaching. Methods The 60 undergraduates of China Medical University imaging class were selected as the research subjects. These 60 students were randomly divided into two groups with 30 stu dents in each. In the experimental group, the 3D printing model of the heart was used in combination with multimedia assisted teaching, while the normal control group was taught with the traditional teaching aids and multimedia assisted teaching. After teaching for three months, the two groups of students finished the same test to evaluate differences in the teaching effect betw een the two groups. All the students needed to complete the learning satisfaction questionnaire in order to evaluate the differences of students' learning satisfaction between the two groups. Results The test scores of the students in the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the normal control group (P =0.004). The students' learning satisfaction in the experimental gr oup was also significantly higher than that in the normal control group (P =0.009). Conclusion 3D printing applied in the teaching of echocardiography is conducive to improving students' acad emic records and learning satisfaction.
作者 宋光 任卫东 Song Guang;Ren Weidong(Shengjing-Hospital of China Medical University,Shenyang 110004,China)
出处 《中国医学教育技术》 2018年第6期669-671,共3页 China Medical Education Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(81571686)
关键词 3D打印 超声心动图 教学 随机对照研究 3D printing echocardiography teaching randomized controlled trial
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