
Acceptability of self-collected human papillomavirus specimens in cervical cancer screening: A review

Acceptability of self-collected human papillomavirus specimens in cervical cancer screening: A review
摘要 Cervical cancer morbidity and mortality is an important public health problem around the world. Some of the barriers to cervical cancer screening include the embar-rassment, discomfort, lack of privacy and time and cost associated with clinician-collected, clinic-based screen-ing with cytology or human papillomavirus tests. Self-collection of a human papillomavirus (HPV) test has been found to be generally more acceptable, less em-barrassing, more comfortable, more private and easy to do and preferred to pelvic examination for cervical cy-tology by many women worldwide. The most common-ly reported limitation to self-collection is a woman’s lack of confdence in her ability to perform it correctly. Self-collected human papillomavirus tests have been shown to be as or more sensitive than cytology or clinician-collected HPV tests. With confidence-building educa-tion about self-collection, it is likely a viable method to extend the reach of screening in high and low-resource areas around the world. Cervical cancer morbidity and mortality is an important public health problem around the world. Some of the barriers to cervical cancer screening include the embarrassment, discomfort, lack of privacy and time and cost associated with clinician-collected, clinic-based screening with cytology or human papillomavirus tests. Selfcollection of a human papillomavirus(HPV) test has been found to be generally more acceptable, less embarrassing, more comfortable, more private and easy to do and preferred to pelvic examination for cervical cytology by many women worldwide. The most commonly reported limitation to self-collection is a woman's lack of confidence in her ability to perform it correctly. Selfcollected human papillomavirus tests have been shown to be as or more sensitive than cytology or cliniciancollected HPV tests. With confidence-building education about self-collection, it is likely a viable method to extend the reach of screening in high and low-resource areas around the world.
出处 《World Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 2014年第3期90-97,共8页 世界妇产科杂志
关键词 Cervical cancer Self-collected Human pap-illomavirus ACCEPTABILITY 宫颈癌 临床分析 妇科 英文摘要
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