
关于泰州市海陵区沁莲社区60岁以上老年人智能手机使用情况的调查研究 被引量:8

Investigation and Research on the Use of Smartphones in the Elderly over 60 Years Old at Qinlian Community,Hailing District,Taizhou City
摘要 为了解老年人群中使用智能手机的情况和老年人群对智能手机的需求以及态度,本文作者在泰州市沁莲社区开展实地调研,以沁莲社区60岁以上老年人为调研对象,采用走访调查的方式,进行有针对性的谈话和问卷调查,记录需要的内容与数据,分析和论述该社区老年人群使用智能手机的动因、有利条件,以及存在的困难障碍。综合以上因素,提出针对老年人智能手机使用服务的建议和对策。 In order to learn about the use of smartphones in the elderly and the needs and attitudes of the elderly to smartphones, the writers conducted a field survey at the Qinlian Community of Taizhou City, based on the elderly over 60 years old at the community as the object. Targeted interviews and questionnaires were conducted, and the content and data needed were recorded, and then the motivations, favorable conditions and obstacles of the use of smartphones in the elderly at the community were analyzed and discussed. Based on the above factors, suggestions and countermeasures for the use of smartphones in the elderly were proposed.
作者 卢明蔚 叶明月 张倩 Lu Mingwei;Ye Mingmu
出处 《科教文汇》 2018年第33期191-192,共2页 Journal of Science and Education
基金 2017年度南京师范大学泰州学院省级指导课题“关于泰州市海陵区独居老人智能手机使用情况的调查研究” 课题编号:201713843020x
关键词 智能手机 老年人 泰州市 信息化 老年教育 smartphones the elderly Taizhou City information elder education
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