
社会福利经济学的理念与构想——社会主义新经济学纲要 被引量:1

The Idea and Conception of Social Welfare Economics——Outline of New Socialist Economics
摘要 社会福利经济学从社会关系的整体性和个人权利的本体性来理解作为经济活动主体的人,在政治、经济、文化和自然环境的动态交互作用中,阐明生产关系、制度风俗和个人行为之间的相互关系、理解社会发展演变的机制和规律,改变马克思主义和资产阶级主流经济学将经济系统从社会生活中抽象和割裂出来的弊端,主张回到人类生活整体中、在文化根基处理解经济现象,以人类共同体视野建构超越资本主义∕社会主义之对立的全新经济体系。社会福利经济学反对"理性人"和"有效市场假说",强调社会主义制度的优越性在于克服市场的缺陷、约束资本的扩张冲动和消费特权。社会福利经济学认为,资本的贪婪本能与追求效益的工具理性之间的冲突对立,是当今资本主义制度的根本矛盾——资产阶级世世代代不断完善起来的制度再也容纳不了他们自己无限扩张的欲望。社会福利经济学认为,价值是对象物满足人的生理和心理需求的能力,是主观与客观的统一。社会公共资源的生产潜力和社会成员的劳动能力是价值的源泉,一个社会的生活福利水平决定着它所生产的产品的价值的高低。社会福利经济学坚持社会主义的价值理想,主张把人民民主权力落实到政治、经济的微观基础上,使社会大众从市场的被动消费者,变成主宰并分享资源、管理公用品的生活的主体创造者社会福利经济学把生态系统作为自然资本的价值统合于人类存在的固有价值,强调人类社会和生态系统的有机共存性,把生态系统的天然性和完整性作为人类基本的生存福利,致力于实现人类社会的和谐共荣与可持续发展。 Social welfare economics comprehends people as the subject in economic activities from the aspects of integrity of social relations and noumenon of individual rights. It states the interrelations among relations of production, institutional customs as well as individual behaviors in a dynamic interactive environment of politic, economy, culture and natural environments, understanding the mechanism and laws in social development, changing disadvantages produced from Marxist economics and Bourgeois economics who abstract and split economic system from society and life. This theory advocates that we should understand economic phenomenon based on human community and foundation of dvilization, constructing a new economic system to transcending antithesis between capitalism and socialism. Ecosystem is regarded as value of natural capital in the theory of social welfare economics which should be consolidated with the inherent value of human beings' existence. This theory emphasizes the organic coexistence of human society and ecosystem, regarding the naturalness and integrity of ecosystem as the basic subsistence welfare of human beings, and striving to achieve harmony, prosperity and sustainable development of human society. Different from "welfare economics" , a branch of mainstream economics, which is based on Bentham's utilitarian philosophy, founded by A.C. Pigou, A. Bergson and Paul A. Samuelson etc. The theory of social welfare economics focus on how to implement the basic human rights and civil rights in economic area instead of functional relations of production and distribution. Same as Marx's economic theory, social welfare economics is belonged to theory of "political economy" , which can be called "new political economy" for it truly reflect the values of democracy and ecology.
作者 李宪堂 LI Xian-tang(School of History Naikai University,Tianjin 300350,China)
出处 《聊城大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第6期113-128,共16页 Journal of Liaocheng University:Social Science Edition
关键词 社会福利经济学 福利价值论 价值论 外贸福利曲线 Social Welfare Economics Theory of Social Welfare Value Theory of Value International Trade Welfare Curve
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