

Three Dimensions in Strengthening Inner-Party Supervision from the Perspective of the Structure: A Textural Analysis of Xi Jinping's Speeches
摘要 精读习近平系列讲话可以发现,监督主体的结构性优化、监督客体的结构性校准、监督行动的结构性推进是党内监督路径的三个重要维度。主体维路径是指优化监督主体结构包括党委、纪委、党员、派驻纪检机构、巡视组等,令他们肩负不同责任;客体维路径是指校准监督客体指向包括作风问题、腐败问题、破坏党的纪律问题等,厘清问题有的放矢;行动维路径是指推进监督行动包括改进党的作风、坚决查处腐败、狠抓党的纪律、完善党内法规等。在制度框架下,主体维、客体维、行动维路径彼此互嵌、相辅相成,动态形构出党内监督实施路径的基本轮廓。 A detailed reading of the texts of Xi Jinping's speeches leads to discovery of the three paths for strengthening inner-Party supervision, namely, the structural optimization of the supervising subjects, the structural calibration of the supervised objects, and the structural promotion of the supervising behavior. The path from the dimension of the subjects refers to the optimization of the structure of the supervising subjects including the Party committee, the supervising committee, Party members, dispatching disciplinary supervising organizations, itinerary supervising teams, loading different responsibilities on them. The path from the dimension of the objects refers to the adjustment of the supervised objects to take within its coverage such problems as the working style, corruption, breaching the Party discipline, etc., solving problems when they are clearly identified; the path from the dimension of behavior refers to the promotion of supervising practice, including the improvement of the Party working style, determined investigation and prosecution of corruption, strict enforcement of Party discipline, consummation of inner-Party regulations, etc., having them mutually compensate and facilitate each other. Within the framework of the system, the three dimensions are implanted into each other, dynamically structuring the basic outline for the implementation of inner-Party supervision.
作者 张华 ZHANG Hua(School of Social and Political Science,Anhui University,Hefei 230039,Anhui,China)
出处 《廉政文化研究》 2018年第5期38-45,共8页 Anti-corruption and Integrity Culture Studies
基金 安徽大学舆情与区域发展协同创新中心招标重点项目(ADYQ15ZD06) 安徽大学东方毅政治发展研究中心招标课题(2016DFY001)
关键词 习近平 党内监督 监督主体 监督客体 监督行动 Xi Jinping inner-Party supervision supervising subjects supervised objects supervising practice
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