
追踪选拔后的学习质量:硕士推免生与考研生的学习经历比较——基于南京大学的案例分析 被引量:2

Tracking quality of learning after selection: comparison on learning experience between recommended postgraduates and exam-enrolled postgraduates——Based on case study of Nanjing University
摘要 推免生政策的完善和硕士生培养的优化,可从硕士生入学后学习质量的追踪来进行回溯性研判。基于南京大学的案例,运用问卷调查的方法对推免生和考研生的学习经历进行对比分析,结果显示,在学习动机、情感准备、学习收获与学习经历评价上,考研生优于推免生;在深层学习法和学习参与上,推免生和考研生并无明显差异;在学习结果上,考研生明显优于推免生。按学习经历总质量进行降序排列,985院校的考研生、非985院校的考研生、非985院校的推免生、985院校的推免生构成了质量的高低序列。基于研究结论,提出四条有关推免生政策与硕士生培养的建议。 The improvement of the recommended postgraduates policy and the optimization of postgraduate training can be traced back from the tracking of the quality of learning after the postgraduate entrance. Based on the case of Nanjing University, by using the questionnaire survey, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the learning experiences between recommended postgraduates and exam-enrolled postgraduates. The results show that in terms of learning motivation, emotional preparation, learning harvest and learning experience evaluation, the exam-enrolled postgraduates are better than the recommended postgraduates; in terms of the deep learning method and learning participation, there is no significant difference between the two types of master graduate students; in terms of the learning results, the exam-enrolled postgraduates are obviously superior to the recommended postgraduates. According to the total quality of learning experience in descending order, the exam-enrolled postgraduates of 985 universities, the exam-enrolled postgraduates of non-985 universities, the recommended postgraduates of non-985 universities and the recommended postgraduates of 985 universities constitute the quality sequence. Based on the research conclusions, four suggestions on the recommended postgraduates policy and the postgraduate training are put forward.
作者 刘娣 吕林海 Liu Di;Lv Lin-hai(Institute of Education, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210093, China)
出处 《教学研究》 2018年第4期12-18,共7页 Research in Teaching
关键词 硕士推免生 考研生 学习经历 I-E-O模型 recommended postgraduates exam-enrolled postgraduates learning experiences I-E-O model
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