

Research on Incremental Network Coding Method for Cloud Storage Based on Byte Level Optimization Update
摘要 云存储系统是云计算系统概念的衍生和发展,是一种采用大量分布式存储资源以协同工作的方式来构建的大型集群应用系统,用于向用户提供安全可靠的网络存储服务。为提高云存储系统网络编码的有效性,提升数据的存储效率,文章提出一种基于字节级优化更新的云存储增量式网络编码方法。首先,提出一种字节级优化增量式更新模型技术(Opt-DUM)用于块级差分更新,通过只发送与受影响的编码字节相关的更新,实现云存储增量式编码效率的提升;其次,研究了在更新过程中生成更新向量、减少增量矩阵和文件大小变化的问题,并完成了云存储系统中所有参与模块的更新算法和通信协议的设计;最后,实验结果验证了所设计用于云存储系统中的文件更新网络编码方法的性能优势。 Cloud storage system is a derivative concept of the cloud computing system, and it is a kind of cluster system including large amounts of the distributed storage resources, which provide safe and reliable network storage service. In order to improve the effectiveness of network coding for cloud storage system and improve the storage efficiency of data, an incremental network coding method for cloud storage based on byte level optimization is proposed. Firstly, a byte level optimization technique (Opt-DUM) is proposed for block differential update, which can improve the efficiency of cloud storage incremental coding by only sending updates related to the affected encoding bytes; Secondly, the problem of generating the update vector, reducing the increment matrix and the change of the file size in the process of updating is studied, and the design of the updating algorithm and communication protocol of all the participating modules in the cloud storage system is completed; Finally, the experimental results verify the performance advantages of the network update algorithm designed for file update in cloud storage system.
作者 马苗立 张洪波 丁卫颖 MA Miaoli;ZHANG Hongbo;DING Weiying(College of Computer Science,Faculty of Information Technology,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 1 O0124,China;Department of Computer Science,Tangshan Normal College,Tangshan Hebei 063000,China)
出处 《信息网络安全》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期18-26,共9页 Netinfo Security
基金 国家自然科学基金[61572063] 河北省自然科学基金[F2014209276] 唐山师范学院科学研究基金[2018C03]
关键词 字节级 云存储 增量式 网络编码 通信协议 byte level cloud storage incremental network coding communicationprotocol
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