
The Historical and Present Dimensions of Consensus on New Global Governance 被引量:1

The Historical and Present Dimensions of Consensus on New Global Governance
摘要 19世纪以来的市场经济发展的经验教训以及中国特色的社会主义成功经验表明,市场的自由发展需要一个相应的治理与之配套,否则必然使得市场的负面作用不断放大,导致社会矛盾的激化。这是历史经验与教训给予的启示。当今为了推动经济全球化的健康发展,需要修正过去的新自由主义秩序,建立新的全球治理模式,因为旧秩序以完全市场化、私有化以及政体西式化作为唯一治理取向。这种模式是造成目前经济全球化诸多问题的症结。为此,新的全球治理应当建立在以下共识基础上:市场与国家的平衡,承认多元化的国家治理模式,但多元化模式应以合作互利共赢为前提,促进发展是保障目前经济全球化顺利发展的基础。目前急需一个促进发展的全球方案来应对逆/反全球化的暗流。因此,作者认为,应在"一带一路"倡议的基础上,以全球性基础建设作为推进经济全球的新增长点作为方案。这一方案既可以缓解西方一些发达国家的就业流失与增长乏力的困境,也可以增加发展中国家的发展能力,同时还带动像中国这样的国家产能和资金出口。 The experience and lessons from the century and the experience of successful development of market economy since the 19th socialism with Chinese characteristics show that the free development of the market needs corresponding governance to match up with it, or the other way round it will inevitably enlarge the negative influence of the market and lead to the intensification of social contradictions. In order to promote the healthy development of economic globalization, it is necessary to adjust the previous neoliberal order and establish a new global governance model, for the old order is oriented towards complete marketization, privatization and Westernized political system in terms of governance. This model is the crux of many problems in the current economic globalization. For this reason, the new global governance should be based on the following consensus: The balance between the market and the state recognizes a diversified national governance mode, but such pluralistic mode should be premised on win-win cooperation and mutual benefits, and boosting development provides a basis for guaranteeing the smooth development of current economic globalization. At present, it is urgent to find a global approach to the improvement of development to cope with the tmdercurrents of de- and anti-globalization. So, the author holds that on the basis of the "Belt and Road Initiative," the construction of global infrastructure should be used as a new growth point for promoting global economy. This solution can alleviate the difficulties of employment loss and weak growth in some developed countries in the West, improve the development capacity of developing countries, and meanwhile enhance the production capacity and capital exports of countries like China.
作者 Li Bin
出处 《Social Sciences in China》 2018年第4期154-170,共17页 中国社会科学(英文版)
关键词 经济全球化 反全球化 全球治理 新自由主义 一带一路 economic globalization anti-globalization global governance neoliberalism Belt and Road initiative
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