
Strategic Mutual Trust from the Perspective of Spatial Blending

Strategic Mutual Trust from the Perspective of Spatial Blending
摘要 在全球、区域、国家、地方等空间形式的互嵌与交错中,一种新的反全球化力量演化成了"逆全球化"形态和趋势,试图超越旧全球化时代奠定的"资本—生产—市场"一体化模式。在持续不断的社会变迁中,贸易保护主义在经济空间的强势回归、民粹主义政党在政治空间的强势崛起、英国脱欧重挫了欧洲一体化进程,重新赋权给具有传统意味的国家与地方,重新定位"新全球化时代"的国际秩序。在全球经济一体化减速的新时代,中国方案具象的"一带一路"以"坚定不移的推进经济全球化、引导经济全球化的走向",聚焦了"人类命运共同体"的构建。其开放包容的战略内容、互学互鉴的战略导向与发展共生的战略归旨,在经济基础之上、政治中介之下、文化导引之中,凸显了经济空间的融合、政治空间的互信和文化空间的包容。"一带一路"战略互信的空间延展,生发于根基性情感期待、工具性利益分享、情感卷入与价值研判的理性思考。基于沿线民众是战略互信价值传播的接受者和意义达致的生产者,"一带一路"的推进应结合地域节点与合作内容,划分文化共鸣区、利益激发区和认同提升区,进行魅力型、全面型、精准型的价值传播,以提升战略互信的落地对接度。 As global, regional, national, local and other spatial forms become mutually embedded and interwoven, a new anti-globalization force is shaping a "reverse globalization trend" in an attempt to go beyond the integrated "capital-production-market" model established in the previous globalization era. Amid continuous social change, economic space has seen a reassertion of trade protectionism, while political space is facing the rise of populist parties. Britain's exit from European Union has dealt a heavy blow to the process of European integration, once again empowering national and local levels through traditional sentiments and redefining the international order in the new era of globalization. In this new era, as global economic integration slows down, the Chinese plan of the Belt and Road Initiative focuses on building a "community of shared future for mankind," "with unwavering efforts to advance and guide economic globalization trends." Its open and inclusive strategic content; its strategic orientation of mutual learning; and its strategic aim of development and coexistence on an economic basis under political intermediation and through the guidance of culture highlight the integration of economic space, mutual trust in political space, and inclusiveness incultural space. The spatial extension of the strategic mutual trust of the Belt and Road Initiative originates in rational reflection on fundamental emotional expectations; instrumental sharing of benefit; emotional involvement; and value judgments. Based on the fact that the population along its route are recipients of the values of strategic mutual trust and also makers of its meanings, we can divide the promotion of the Belt and Road Initiative into cultural resonance zones, zones that activate the interests of different parties, and zones that promote identification, combining regional nodes and cooperative content. In order to enhance the degree of congruence of strategic mutual trust, we should disseminate these values in a way that combines charm, comprehensiveness and accuracy.
出处 《Social Sciences in China》 2018年第4期171-184,共14页 中国社会科学(英文版)
关键词 新全球化时代 “一带一路” 战略互信 空间延展 new era of globalization Belt and Road Initiative strategic mutual trust spatial extension
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