

On the Three Signals
摘要 以刺激物的直接性与间接性来分类,可把刺激分为第一信号、第二信号、第三信号。第一信号是指能直接引起感官感觉的客观物体。第二信号是指第一信号的代表,是由语言文字等组成的符号,是第一信号的信号。第三信号是第二信号的信号,是第二信号的代表。通常是由简约抽象符号来代表众多语言文字所表述的内容。三种信号关系密切,第一信号是第二信号的基础,第二信号是第三信号的基础;第三信号代表第二信号,第二信号代表第一信号。要想掌握第二信号,必须将第二信号与第一信号反复结合,及时用第一信号强化第二信号。要想掌握第三信号,必须将第三信号符号与所代表的第二信号内容相结合,用第二信号强化第三信号。第一信号刺激,使有机体结构与功能得以形成;第二信号的使用,使人脑产生了语言文字中枢,拉开了人与动物的智慧差距;第三信号的使用,使人脑产生了第三信号反应中枢,促进了人脑抽象思维能力的发展,推动了科技进步。 According to their directness and indirectness the stimuli can be classified into the first signal, the second signal and the third signal. The first signal refers to existing objects that can directly cause sensory sensation. The second signal refers to the symbol of the first one, which is composed of languages and their characters, etc. It is the signal of the first. As the representative of the second signal, the third signal is Usually marked by simple abstract symbols and so it is the signal of the second. The three signals are closely related. The first is the basis of the second and the third is based on the second. In order to master the second signal, we must combine it with the first repeatedly and strengthen it in time. In the same way, we have to combine the third signal with its content of the second and use the second to intensify it. The stimulation of the first signal leads to the formation of the structure and function of the organism. With the use of the second signal, the human brain produces the language and writing center which widens the gap between the animal and human intelligence. The use of the third signal leads to its reaction center by the brain. The center advances in abstract thinking ability and therefore in science and technology.
作者 王令训 WANG Ling-xun(Department of Educational Science Huaihua University,Huaihua,Hunan 418008)
出处 《怀化学院学报》 2018年第10期117-119,共3页 Journal of Huaihua University
基金 湖南省教育科学规划课题"第三信号系统研究"(XJK012AXL001)
关键词 第一信号 第二信号 第三信号 the first signal the second signal the third signal
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