
儿童眼睑痉挛的临床特征及治疗体会 被引量:2

Analysis on the treatment of blepharospasm in children
摘要 目的观察儿童眼睑痉挛的治疗效果。方法观察2016年5月至2017年4月就诊的儿童眼睑痉挛120例(240眼)的临床资料,包括眼部病史、症状、视力、屈光状态、泪液分泌试验(SIT)、角膜荧光素染色(FL)和泪膜破裂时间(BUT)。治疗均采用重组牛碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(r-bFGF)眼用凝胶滴眼联合眼睑热敷,对于近视儿童复方托吡卡胺滴眼液,随访半年。结果眼睑痉挛程度Ⅰ级13例,Ⅱ级88例,Ⅲ级19例。近视61例,散光6例,弱视3例。SIT≤10mm者77例;BUT〈10S者73例;FL有染色者23例。治疗后完全缓解者91例,明显缓解者29例,有效率100%。结论对于儿童眼睑痉挛应重视屈光方面的检查,有半数的患儿合并有近视及散光等屈光不正。采用r-bFGF眼用凝胶滴眼联合眼睑热敷,疗效确切。 Objective To observe the treatment efficacy of blepharospasm in children. Methods The data of 240 eyes of 120 cases with blepharospasm from May 2016 to Apr. 2017 were collected. The optical history, symptom, visual acuity, refraction, Schirmer Ⅰ test (SIT) , fluorescent staining (FL) and break-up time (BUT) were observed. All cases received application of recombinant bovine basic fibroblast growth factor (r-bFGF) eye-gel combined with warm compress to the lid. Compound tropicamide eye drops was applied to children with myopia. The followed up time was half a year. Results According to the degree of blepharospasm,13 cases were grade Ⅰ , grade Ⅱ in 88 cases,and grade Ⅲ in 19 cases. There were 60 cases with myopia,6 cases with astigmatism, and 3 cases with amblyopia. SIT were ≤10 mm in 77 cases, BUT were 〈 10 s in 73 cases, and FL were positive in 23 cases. After treatment ,91 cases had complete remission, 29 cases had partial remission, and the efficiency rate was 100%. Conclusion Dioptroseopy should be performed on children with blepharospasm, and half of the children with ametropia. Application of r-bFGF eye-gel combined with warm compress to the lid for the treatment of children with blepharospasm are effective.
作者 王显丽 张凤妍 Wang Xianli;Zhang Fengyan(Department of Ophthalmology,Pingmei Shenma Medical Group General Hospital,Pingdingshan,Henan 467002,China;Department of Ophthalmology,the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450052,China)
出处 《中华眼外伤职业眼病杂志》 2018年第10期770-772,共3页 Chinese Journal of Ocular Trauma and Occupational Eye Disease
关键词 眼睑痉挛 儿童 重组牛碱性成纤维细胞生长因子眼用凝胶 屈光不正 治疗 Blepharospasm children r-bFGF eye-gel Ametropia Treatment
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