
全球价值链视角下的中韩生产性服务贸易研究 被引量:2

A Case Study of the Intermediate Goods Trade in Services between China and South Korea Based on Global Value Chain
摘要 近年来,经济全球化进程的不断发展和深化,催生了基于增加值视角下对于新型国际分工体系的研究。本文首先利用服务贸易竞争力指数对中韩两国服务贸易及各服务部门的竞争力水平进行测算和比较;其次,通过对全球价值链参与程度指标和垂直专业化份额的测算,对中韩两国服务贸易各部门参与全球价值链的程度及专业化份额进行分析和评价;最后,采用多部门引力面板模型对影响中韩中间品生产性服务贸易的因素进行分析。结果表明,相对于服务贸易开放度、货物贸易出口、人均GDP等宏观因素而言,中间品生产性服务贸易专业化分工程度对于两国的服务贸易影响相对较弱,通过深化生产性服务贸易分工可以有效地促进两国的贸易发展并带动两国在全球价值链中的位置提升。 This paper focuses on China and South Korea intermediate goods trade in services. Analyzing China and South Korea trade in services overall development situation, using the service trade competitiveness index(TC index) to measure and compare the level of competitiveness of China and South Korea trade in services and service departments. Through the measurement of the global value chain participation degree and the vertical specialization share, analyze and evaluate the participation of the various sectors of the service trade of China and South Korea in the global value chain degree and professional share. In addition, use gravity model based on panel data to analyze the factors which influence the service trade between China and South Korea.
作者 牛蕊 郭凯頔 NIU Rui;GUO Kai-di(Tianjin Foreign Studies University,Tianfin 300270,China)
出处 《上海对外经贸大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期18-28,共11页 Journal of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
基金 天津市哲学社会科学规划课题"制造业服务化背景下天津市服务贸易便利化措施研究"(TJYY16-008Q) 天津外国语大学"未来之星"资助计划(2013)的资助
关键词 全球价值链 生产性服务贸易 WIOD 中韩 面板引力模型 global value chain intermediate goods service trade China and South Korea WlOD database gravity model
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