
河南二里头遗址出土陶容器内残留物的碳氮稳定同位素分析 被引量:4

Stable isotopic analyses of residues on the interiors of ceramics from Erlitou site in Henan Province
摘要 二里头遗址位于河南省偃师市,绝对年代约为1800~1500 B.C.,因出土目前所知中国最早的城市道路系统、宫殿建筑群、青铜礼器群及绿松石龙而闻名于世。作为中国历史上著名的都城遗址,二里头遗址古代居民的生产和生活方式是当时社会经济生活的一个缩影,从而引人关注。而食物种类及其加工技术反映的是当时经济和文化发展的一个侧面。出土陶容器内残留物的分析与鉴别对于探讨古代人类饮食结构及经济生活具有重要的参考价值。因此,我们采集了二里头遗址二里头文化不同时期出土的陶器残片上的残留物及出土的炭化粟和稻进行了碳氮稳定同位素分析,检测结果显示,残留物样品的δ13C值在-12.39‰^-25.46‰之间;δ15N值在4.03‰~12.76‰之间。说明这些残留物的来源包含C3类和C4类植物,蛋白质来源也比较广泛。结合二里头遗址的动植物遗存研究,推测二里头遗址居民的食物中兼具粟和稻类植物,而且,粟的比例可能更高一些。此外,居民的食物中还可能含有一部分动物及鱼类。研究结果还表明,出土陶容器内炭化残留物的碳氮稳定同位素分析是探索古代陶器用途的有价值的手段之一,可以扩大并加深对过去人群饮食方式的认识。 The Erlitou site is located at Yanshi City, Henan Province. This site is large settlement site of Erlitou culture, and it is dated to 1800~1500 B.C. The site is currently known with the earliest palace building, the first group of ritual bronzes, and bronze smelting workshops, and is so far to have confirmed as the site for the earliest capital of kingdom. The production and life of this historical capital residents have been greatly concerned. According to zooarchaeology's study, five domestic animals such as dog, pig, goat, sheep and cattle were found from the site. The remains of crops obtained by flotation methods mainly include millet, sorghum, rice, and soybeans. Among them, the unearthed carbonized miliary was not only significantly higher than other crops in absolute numbers, but also the most prominent in the probability of unearthing; followed by rice, accounting for about one-third of the total number of unearthed crops.This paper reports the results of stable isotope studies (δ13C and δ15N)performed on organic residues in archaeological potsherds recovered from Erlitou site in Henan Province. The objective was to identify the types and provenance of food cooked in ceramic vessels, thus contributing to the study of paleodiets and subsistence strategies among in Erlitou during the Erlitou Culture Period. The sample included residues in archaeological potsherds and unearthed millet and rice. The results showed that the δ13C values of the residue sample range from -12.39‰ to -25.46‰ and δ15N values range from 4.03‰ to 12.76‰. The results of this study have shown that most of the residues can be accounted for as mixtures of native C3 plants and C4 plants, domestic animal, herbivore flesh, and freshwater fish, according to their δ13C and δ15N values. The δ13C values might reflect C3 crops (rice)and C4 crops (millet), which were also the sources of the remains of residents meals at Erlitou site. Moreover, the proportion of C4 plants that are actually may be higher. The results also show that the carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis of carbonized residues in pottery is one of the valuable means to explore the use of ancient pottery, which can expand and deepen the understanding of the diet of the past population.
作者 赵春燕 赵志军 Zhao Chunyan;Zhao Zhijun(Institute of Archeology,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100710)
出处 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期1424-1430,共7页 Quaternary Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(批准号:12BKG019)、国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:21271186)和中国社会科学院哲学社会科学创新工程(批准号:2018KGYJ044)共同资助
关键词 二里头遗址 残留物 陶器 碳氮稳定同位素 Erlitou site residues potsherds stable isotopic analyses
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