气候变化准200 a和准2400 a周期被认为是对太阳活动的响应周期,但机制尚不清楚。基于太阳质心坐标系发现,行星会合指数K具有20 a、179~180 a和准2400 a周期。根据修正系数(q=1.11518),在太阳系质心坐标系下标定了太阳轨道运动最基本的特征周期是准22.20 a。研究发现,K指数标定的太阳到太阳系质心距离变化的极值与太阳黑子磁场极性指数(MI)的极值之间具有高度的相关性(rKMI=0.952)。通过对比发现,树轮宽度变化和树轮、珊瑚中14C含量变化的准双世纪和Hallstatt周期与通过修正后的K指数图像准179~200 a和准2300~2600 a周期不但长度近似相等,而且相位也基本吻合。K指数极大值越大表明太阳具有的势能越大。K指数极大值中较小者表明太阳这一时段所具有的势能相对较小,故太阳向行星际空间释放的能量也相对减少,因此对银河宇宙射线的干扰减小,从而使进入大气中的银河宇宙射线和能量粒子的沉降增加,致使14C含量增大。通过对14C含量变化周期与K指数周期在相位对应关系上具有一致性的印证,表明这两种气候变化周期与K指数极大值周期具有正相关对应关系,这对探讨气候变化对太阳活动的响应机制具有重要意义。
The quasi 200 a and 2400 a climate change periodic had been generally considered as a response periodic to the solar activity, but the mechanism is still not clear. Based on the coordinate system of the Sun's mass center, it is observed that the planets synodic index (K) has 20 a, 179~180 a and quasi 2400 a periodic. The most essential periodic of the solar orbital motion is calculated to be quasi 22.20 a using a correction efficient (q=1.11518)under the coordinate of the mass center of the solar system. According to K index, we characterize the distance variation of the Sun relative to the mass center of the solar system, whose extremal values are significantly correlated with the extremal values of the sunspot magnetic polarity MI (rKMI=0.952). Previous reports show that the variations of tree-ring width and the 14C content of tree-ring and coral have quasi bi-centurial and Hallstatt periodic which are well in agreement with the 179~200 a and 2300~2600 a periodic of K index after correction by q factor (q=1.11518). The larger K extremum indicates the higher potential energy of the Sun, and the smaller K extremum indicates the lower potential energy of the Sun. Therefore, the energy released by the Sun into interplanetary space is relatively reduced, and the interference of galaxy cosmic rays from the Sun is also reduced. This would increase the deposition of galactic cosmic rays and energy particles entering the atmosphere, and thus, increase the 14C content in the atmosphere. The consistence between the 14C content change periodic and the K index periodic suggests that there is a positive correlation between climate change periodic and the K index periodic, which is of great importance to investigate the response mechanism of climate change to the solar activity.
Liu Fugang;Yao Yunlong;Bao Kunshan;Luo Jinming;Hou Jianqiu;Chen Kai;Ma Liwei(College of Science,Department of Geography,Qiqihar University,Qiqihar 161006,Heilongjiang;College of Wildlife Resource,Department of Wetland Science,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040,Heilongjiang;State Key Laboratory of Lake Sciences and Environment,Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,Jiangsu)
Quaternary Sciences