
试论完善我国破产制度与化解“执行难”问题 被引量:3

On Perfecting China's Bankruptcy System and Resolving the Problem of "Difficulties in Implementation"
摘要 我国法院"执行难"问题的产生和长期存在,有着深刻的社会环境原因和制度根源。探索解决"执行难"的有效路径一直是法院上下的棘手难题。为了根本解决"执行难",本文结合当前"执行难"的现实情况及审判实例对破产程序与执行程序的各自内在机能进行对比,发现两个制度在制度功能上具有互补性。同时,深度探析不履行或无财产可供执行的执行案件转入破产程序受阻的根本原因:首先,破产领域制度供应的短缺,既不利于通过培育社会信用体系从源头减少民事纠纷乃至执行案件的发生,也导致占有执行案件总量40%左右的执行不能案件无法通过转入破产程序退出执行程序;其次,为弥补这种制度短缺而在执行程序中建立的代偿性制度,又大大增加了法院执行工作的难度和工作量。因此,破产制度完善是关键。本文以破产理论为根基,结合我国国情,依托法院执行的真实情况,建议我国的破产法律制度做如下完善:一是建立企业强制破产制度,解决企业债务人执行不能案件难以转入破产程序的"肠梗阻"现象;二是建立个人破产制度,解决被执行人为自然人的执行不能案件无法退出执行程序的问题;三是完善现行破产制度的其他相关规定,形成更加有利于激励符合条件的执行案件当事人主动申请破产的机制。 The emergence and long-term existence of the " difficulties in implementation" of Chinese courtshas profound social and environmental reasons and institutional roots. Exploring and solving the effective pathof " difficulties in execution" has always been a difficult problem for the courts. In order to fundamentally solvethe " difficulties in execution" , this paper combines the current reality of " difficulty in execution" and the trialexamples to compare the respective intrinsic functions of bankruptcy procedures with execution procedures,and finds that the two systems are complementary in system function. At the same time, in-depth analysis ofthe root causes of the impediment of the implementation of cases of non-performance or property-free execu?tion into bankruptcy procedures: First, the shortage of institutional supply in the bankruptcy sector is not con?ducive to the reduction of civil disputes from the source through the cultivation of social credit system and eventhe occurrence of enforcement cases. Also, the execution of the insolvent case, which accounts for about 40%of the total number of execution cases, cannot be withdrawn from the execution process by transferring to theinsolvency proceedings. Secondly, the compensatory system established in the execution procedure to make upfor this system shortage has greatly increased the difficulty and amount of work performed by the court. There?fore, the improvement of the bankruptcy system is the key. Based on the bankruptcy theory, China's nationalconditions and the actual situation of the court's implementation, this paper proposes that China's bankruptcylegal system should be improved as follows: First, establish a corporate compulsory bankruptcy system to solvethe problem that the enterprise debtor cannot perform the case and it is difficult to transfer to the bankruptcyproceedings. The second is to establish a personal bankruptcy system to solve the problem that execution casesin which the executed person is a natural person cannot withdraw from the execution procedure; the third is toimprove other relevant provisions of the current bankruptcy system, and form form a mechanism that is moreconducive to motivating eligible parties to proactively participate in bankruptcy.
作者 李继 许东瑾 Li Ji;Xu Dongjin(Center for Post-doctoral Studies,Institute of Law,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100720;School of Law,Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632)
出处 《知与行》 2018年第6期65-69,共5页 Cognition and Practice
关键词 执行难 个人破产 企业强制破产 difficult implementation personal bankruptcy corporate compulsory bankruptcy
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