‘学优红’葡萄是以‘罗萨卡’为母本、‘艾多米尼克’为父本杂交选育出的中熟欧亚种葡萄新品种。该品种丰产性中等,冬芽成花能力强,果穗大小中等,平均500 g,果穗紧实度中等。果粒大,平均粒质量8.9 g,果粒椭圆形,果皮蓝紫色,皮薄,易着色,平均每个果粒中有1~2粒正常发育的种子;果肉脆硬,味香甜、多汁、可溶性固形物含量(w)20.1%,品质上等,具有较好的树上挂果和延迟采收能力。在北京地区萌芽期为3月下旬,开花期为5月中下旬,花为雌能花,需配置授粉品种,果实成熟期为8月中旬。
‘Scholar Red'is a new seeded table grape cultivar bred through crossing between‘Rousalka'and‘Adominique', both are of vinifera genetic background. Fully developed seeds were collected from ripe berries from artificial hybridization pollination in 2005, the seeds were sowed in the spring of2006 after stratification and then the plantlets were moved from seed trays to soil in a greenhouse. In2010, all plants had fructified. After fruit quality test using berry size and sugar content as the major criteria over five years from 2011 to 2015,‘Scholar Red'was finally selected. The variety is of middle size in cluster with medium compact appearance, the average cluster weight is 500 g at harvest. The berries are oval shape, with 1-2 seeds per berry, weighing averagely 8.9 g, of attractive blue-purple color, it is a variety easy to get skin color, the skin is thin and closely attached to the flesh, not easy to peeling.The flesh is crunchy, juicy and delicate in texture, and no anthocyanin accumulation in the flesh. Berries are of neutral flavor at ripening, the soluble solid content of grapes at harvest grown in the high tunnel is 20.1%, and the overall consumption quality is high. In growth habit,‘Scholar Red'is a vigorous variety, the vine bud breaks in late March, almost all the new shoots from winter buds bear 1-2 flower clusters, flowers are observed as imperfect flower type, other variety for pollination is required. The flowers bloom in the mid May, the same period as the major table grape varieties, and the berries ripen around middle August in Beijing area. The berries have long storage-life, and there is no problem of falling berries during transportation. The grape can also be kept on the vine for delayed harvest. The variety is suitable for outdoor cultivation in areas where the rainfall is not more than 600 mm in summer, and protected cultivation is required in areas with higher rainfall.‘Scholar Red'is of regular cold resistance as other vinifera cultivars, during the winter burying the vine or using other protected methods are suggested for areas that other vinifera varieties are required.
MENG Xianru;CHEN Yijun;ZHANG Wen;MA Huiqin(College of Horticulture,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China)
Journal of Fruit Science