
2016年山东省碘缺乏病病情监测结果分析 被引量:20

An analysis of surveillance data of iodine deficiency disorders in Shandong Province in 2016
摘要 目的 了解山东省碘缺乏地区人群碘营养状况,为山东省碘缺乏病防治提供依据。 方法 2016年,在山东省14个地市的40个碘缺乏县(市、区),每个县(市、区)将所辖乡镇(街 道)按东、西、南、北、中划分为5个片区,在每个片区抽取1个乡镇(街道),每个乡镇(街道 )抽取1所小学,每所小学抽取40名8 - 10岁非寄宿学生(男、女各半)进行甲状腺B超检查和尿 碘检测,并采集其家中盐样测定盐碘含量;每个乡镇(街道)抽取20名孕妇,进行尿样和其家中 盐样的碘含量检测。碘营养判定标准:儿童尿碘中位数 〈 100 μg/L为碘摄入不足, 100 - 〈 200 μg/L为碘适量, 200 ~ 〈 300 μg/L为碘超适宜量, ≥300 μg/L为碘过量;孕妇尿碘 中位数 〈 150 μg/L为碘摄入不足,150 - 〈 250 μg/L为碘适量,250 ~ 〈 500 μg/L为碘超 适宜量,≥500 μg/L为碘过量。结果 共对8 045名8 ~ 10岁儿童进行尿碘检测及甲状腺B超检查 ,尿碘中位数为183.5 μg/L,甲状腺肿大率为3.0%(239/8 045);检测孕妇尿样4 097份,尿 碘中位数为153.5 μg/L;共检测儿童及孕妇家中盐样12 027份,盐碘均数为23.6 mg/kg,碘盐 覆盖率为95.0%(11 422/12 027),碘盐合格率为91.1%(10 407/ 11 422),合格碘盐食用率 为86.5%(10 407/12 027)。结论 山东省40个碘缺乏县(市、区)的儿童及孕妇碘营养均处于 适宜状态,居民盐碘含量符合山东省规定的标准。 Objective To understand the iodine nutritional status of population in iodine deficiency areas in Shandong Province and to provide basis for adjustment of control strategy in Shandong Province. Methods Forty county-level monitoring sites were selected in 2016. Each county was divided into five areas including east, west, south, north and middle areas according to the location. A township (street) was randomly selected in each area and a primary school was selected from each township (street). Forty students aged 8 - 10 (half males and half females) were selected in each school for thyroid B hyperthyroidism examination and determination of urinary iodine and salt iodine. At the same time, 20 pregnant women were selected from each township (street) for determination of urinary iodine and salt iodine. Iodine nutrition criterion: children's urinary iodine median 〈 100 μg/L is insufficient, 100 ~ 199 μg/L is appropriate, 200 ~ 299 μg/L is more appropriate, ≥300 μg/L is an excessive intake; the urinary iodine median of pregnant women 〈 150 μg/L is insufficient, 150 ~ 249 μg/L is appropriate, 250 ~ 499 is more appropriate, ≥500 μg/L is an excessive intake. Results A total of 8 045 urine samples of children were tested and the median of urinary iodine of children was 183.5 μg/L. A total of 8 045 children were examined thyroid and the rate of goiter was 3.0% (239/8 045). A total of 4 097 urine samples of pregnant women were tested and the median of urinary iodine of pregnant women was 153.5 μg/L. A total of 12 027 edible salt samples were tested and the mean of salt iodine concentration was 23.6 mg/kg. The coverage rate of iodized salt was 95.0% (11 422/12 027), the qualified rate of iodized salt was 91.1% (10 407/11 422) and the consumption rate of qualified iodized salt was 86.5% (10 407/12 027). Conclusion Both children and pregnant women in 40 iodine-deficient counties of Shandong Province are in a suitable state of iodine nutrition and the salt iodine contents of the residents comply with the standards of Shandong Province.
作者 汪昱 张曼 王晓明 梁娜 蒋雯 Wang Yu;Zhang Man;Wang Xiaoming;Liang Na;Jiang Wen(Department of Iodine Deficiency Disorders and Excess Iodine Study,Shandong Institute for Prevention and Treatment of Endemic Disease,Ji'nan 250014,China)
出处 《中华地方病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期893-895,共3页 Chinese Journal of Endemiology
基金 中央补助地方公共卫生专项资金地方病防治项目(2016)
关键词 儿童 孕妇 甲状腺 Iodine Child Pregnant women Thyroid
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