
U71Mn钢轨的成形铣削力测试与建模 被引量:2

Testing and Modeling of Form Milling Force of U71Mn Rail Steel
摘要 由于钢轨铣磨车作业时难以获取切削力信号,为此根据铣磨车所用铣刀盘实际形状,以一定的缩小比例制作了成形铣刀盘,并搭建了专用的试验台对U71Mn钢轨进行一次铣削成形,通过在线监测铣削力数据,获得铣削速度、铣削宽度和每齿进给量对铣削力的影响规律。在正交试验结果的基础上,采用多元线性回归分析方法,建立铣削力数学模型,用F检验法验证模型显著性,与试验结果对比分析,验证模型的合理性,并对试验结果进行极差分析。试验结果表明:三个方向上的铣削力随着铣削速度的增加而减小,随着铣削宽度和每齿进给量增加而增加。同时得到在本次切削加工条件下铣削U71Mn钢轨的最优加工工艺参数组合为a_e=0. 05mm、v_c=260m/min、f_z=0. 5mm/z。 Due to the difficulty of obtaining the milling force signal when the rail milling-grinding train is in opera- tion, a form milling cutter with certain contraction scale is fabricated based on the real form milling cutter used in rail mill- ing-grinding trains,and an exclusive experimental platform is built to form milling U71Mn rail steel. The milling force is monitored on-line. The effect of milling speed, milling width and feed per tooth on the milling force is obtained. On the basis of the results of orthogonal test which is conducted by range analysis, the milling "force model is built via muhivariable linear regression analysis and the significance is verified through F-test. The results show that the milling forces along three direc- tions decrease with the increase of milling width and increase with the increase of milling width and feed per tooth. The opti- mal processing parameters of form milling U71 Mn rail steel under the cutting conditions are ae = 0.05mm,vc = 260m/rain, fz = 0.5 mm/z.
作者 丁郭 全燕鸣 刘佩杰 余浪 Ding Guo;Quan Yanming;Liu Peijie;Yu Lang
机构地区 华南理工大学
出处 《工具技术》 2018年第11期32-36,共5页 Tool Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(51675184) 广东省省级科技计划(2016A010102006)
关键词 U71Mn钢轨 铣削力 测试 模型 U71Mn rail steel milling force testing modeling
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