

On the Import of Exotic Fruits via the Silk Road during the Pre-Jin Period:A Study of Wei-Jin Fu
摘要 张骞(公元前164—公元前114年)曾于汉武帝朝两度出使西域,为以长安为起点,经甘肃、新疆至中亚、西亚,复连接地中海各国(东汉时又以洛阳为起点,经河西走廊到达西域)的这条"陆上丝绸之路"的开辟起到了直接或间接的促进作用。在其最初的政治、军事等战略意义之外,东西精神、物质文明的往来交流大门也借此开启。其中异域水果作为输入中土的物产,迨至魏晋已颇为可观。首先在正史及笔记小说里有大致记载,其次在当时兴起的一批"异物志"中亦可寻迹。但因前者其过于模糊,后者又缺佚严重,造成了现今对这些水果的传入时间、培育情况了解不够等问题。而异域水果在魏晋流行的咏物赋中不乏相关描述。因为这一时期的咏物赋普遍有着征实的倾向,加之赋体文学又几乎都有一共同点即尝试给予某个主题最完整的定义,所以这种题材的赋在文体上的优势正可资史料研究之裨补。 Zhang Qian(164-114 BC),who served as an imperial envoy,traveled twice to the Western Regions during the reign of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty. His missions played an important pioneering role in opening up the all-land Silk Road stretching from Chang'an,the central capital of China in Han Dynasty and Luoyang,the central capital in East Han Dynasty,via Kashgar in western China,Samarkand in Central Asia and Baghdad in the Middle East to coastal cities on the Black Sea and the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Leaving aside the political and military significance of the Silk Road,one should also keep in mind its position in linking multiple civilizations and facilitating far-reaching exchanges of activities in trade. It was not until the Wei-Jin period(220-420) that the exotic fruits,among the goods,carried on the Silk Road,were widely appreciated in China. The accounts of these fruits were detailed in the early historical chronicles and note-style novellas. They could also be found in the records of "foreign matters",but the history of the import and cultivation of the exotic fruits remained unclear,either due to being ambiguous or being scattered. However,the fu on things which became very popular during the Wei-Jin period provided ample testimony. First,this type of fu generally demonstrated a tendency of being truthful. Second,one feature that almost all fu shared is an attempt to present a comprehensive definition of a subject. Both the above factors help contribute to a better understanding of the historical facts.
作者 丁涵 Ding Han(Department of Chinese,Sun Yat-sen University,Zhuhai Guangdong,519820)
机构地区 中山大学中文系
出处 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期56-69,共14页 Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 作者主持研究的广东省哲学社会科学"十三五"规划一般项目"历史地理学视野下的唐宋纪行赋研究"(GD17CZW04)的阶段性成果
关键词 丝绸之路 魏晋时期 异域水果 魏晋赋 the Silk Road Wei-Jin period exotic fruits Wei-Jin fu
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