目的:探讨舒肝化瘀利胆法治疗慢性胆囊炎气滞血瘀证的临床效果分析。方法:将2017年1月—2018年1月在我院消化内科治疗的80例慢性胆囊炎气滞血瘀证患者随机分为两组,对照组采用西医常规治疗,观察组服用舒肝化瘀利胆中药治疗,比较两组患者的临床疗效、症状改善情况、血清生化指标变化。结果:观察组治疗总有效率为95%,明显高于对照组的75%(P <0.05);观察组治疗后上腹饱胀、右上腹痛、纳差等症状积分明显低于对照组(P <0.05);观察组治疗后总胆汁酸、胆红素、总胆固醇水平与对照组相比明显降低(P <0.05)。结论:舒肝化瘀利胆法治疗慢性胆囊炎气滞血瘀证的临床效果显著,能舒肝利胆,活血化瘀,有效缓解临床症状,促进各项生化指标恢复正常,具有积极的临床意义。
Objective To explore the clinical efect analysis of Shugan Huayu Lidan therapy ( 舒肝化瘀利胆法 ) in treating chronic cholecystitis with qi stagnation and blood stasis syndrome (气滞血瘀证 ). Methods: Eighty patients with chronic cholecystitis with qi stag-nation and blood stasis syndrome ( 气滞血瘀证 ) in the department of gastroenterology of our hospital from January 2017 to January 2018 were randomly divided into two groups. The control group received conventional western medicine treatment and the observation group received Shugan Huayu Lidan therapy ( 舒肝化瘀利胆法), the clinical efcacy, symptom improvement and serum biochemical indexes of the two groups were compared. Results: The treatment efciency of the observation group was 95%, which was signifcantly higher than 75% of the control group (P 〈 0.05). The symptom score of upper abdominal fullness, right upper abdominal pain, and tolerance after treatment in the observation group was signifcantly lower than that of the control group (P 〈 0.05). Total bile acid, bilirubin and total cholesterol were signifcantly decreased in the observation group after treatment compared with the control group (P 〈0.05). Conclusion: Shugan Huayu Lidan therapy ( 舒肝化瘀利胆法 ) had signifcant clinical efect in treating chronic cholecystitis with qi stagnation and blood stasis syndrome ( 气滞血瘀证). It could relieve liver and gallbladder, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, efectively relieve clinical symptoms, and promote the restoration of various biochemical indexes to the normal level, which was of positive clinical signifcance.
Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
Chronic cholecystitis
Qi stagnation and blood stasis syndrome
Shugan Huayu Lidan therapy
Clinical efect