
研究中医综合干预改善寻常型银屑病患者心理状态的效果 被引量:1

Effect study of TCM comprehensive intervention in improving the psychological status of patients with psoriasis vulgaris
摘要 目的:对寻常银屑病患者采取中医综合干预的治疗手段并讨论治疗的效果,在治疗过程中同时给予相应的管理措施,并对在治疗过程中产生的影响进行分析。方法:本次研究纳入的60例寻常型银屑病患者均是2015年1月—2018年3月期间在我院门诊收治,患者在入组之后根据硬币分组的方式将其分为两组,一组为对照组另一组为研究组,每组各30例患者,给予对照组患者西医治疗措施,给予研究组患者中医综合干预治疗措施,经治疗后对其治疗效果进行分析。结果:对照组患者治疗总有效率为80.0%,研究组患者治疗总有效率为100.0%,研究组患者治疗效果显著高于对照组患者,组间数据差异显著(P<0.05)。结论:在临床治疗中人们不再单一的注重质量,更为注重生活质量,尤其是对于慢性疾病、难治性疾病来说,患者的生活质量有着极为重要的意义。针对慢性患者来说,在治疗过程中不仅要注重生理上的痛苦,还应注重因疾病所带来的心理问题。中医综合干预治疗寻常型银屑病的效果较为理想,内外兼治的手段有效的加速了患者的康复,缓解了患者的痛苦,值得在临床中广泛推广和使用。 Objective To treat the patients with psoriasis vulgaris by means of TCM comprehensive intervention and discuss the efect of the treatment. At the same time, the corresponding management measures were given in the course of treatment, and the effect of the treatment process was analyzed. Methods: All 60 patients with psoriasis vulgaris included in this study were admitted to our clinic from January 2015 to March 2018. Patients were divided into two groups according to the way of coin grouping. One group was the control group and the other group was the research group. In each group, 30 patients were given western medicine treatment measures for the con-trol group and comprehensive intervention measures for the study group. Results: The total efective rate of treatment in the control group was 80.0%, and the total efective rate in the study group was 100.0%. The treatment efect in the study group was signifcantly higher than that in the control group. There was a signifcant diference between the groups (P 〈 0.05). Conclusion: In clinical treatment, people paid more attention to quality of life. Especially for chronic diseases and refractory diseases, the quality of life of patients was of great signif-icance. For patients with chronic diseases, not only should we pay attention to physical pain during the treatment, but we should also pay attention to the psychological problems brought about by the disease. The comprehensive intervention of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris was more efective. The means of internal and external treatment efectively accelerate the patient’s re-covery and relieve the patient’s pain, which was worthy of widespread promotion and application in clinical practice.
作者 王剑锋
机构地区 清远市中医院
出处 《中医临床研究》 2018年第30期83-85,共3页 Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
关键词 寻常型银屑病 中医综合干预 治疗效果 Psoriasis vulgaris Comprehensive intervention in TCM Treatment efect
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