长春地质学院是我国重点高等院校之一。它是一九五二年十一月由山东大学地质矿物学系、东北工学院地质系和长春地质专科学校等校系合并成立的,至今已整整三十年了。 三十年来,长春地质学院为国家培养各种高级地质人才一万六千余人。他们分布在地质、工业、交通、科研、教育等各条战线上,常年战斗在崇山峻岭,碧海蓝天,为祖国寻找着丰富的地下宝藏。他们当中的许多人,已成为我国地质战线上的技术骨干,为国家地质事业作出了重要贡献。三十年来,长春地质学院结合野外实习。
It has been 30 years already since establishing the Changchun College of Geology. This college has provided the country over 16000 geologists, in which many have be come the key member in the geological field and made great contributions to the coun try's geological course.During the 30 years in this college Prof. Yu Deyuan, a palaeontologist, Prof. Dong Senbao,a petrologist, prof. Liu Guocang, an engineering geologist,Prof. Ye Zhizheng, a sedimentary petrologist and some other professors and assistant professors made good progress and got encouraging results in geotectology, areal geotectology, stratigraphy, palaeontology, petrology, metallogeay, hydrogelogy, engineering geology, geophysics, exploring tnstrument, rock and mineral analysis, exploring deposit engineering, mathe matical geology, experiments! geology, remote-sensing geology, environmental geology, isotope geology and some other sudjects. They made contributions to the country.The scientific technoloty of geology develops faster and faster; the research scale of science become larger and larger. Geology tends to be infiltrated by mathematics, phy sics new technoloty. Traditional geology theories shocked and new and greatb reakthro ugh are brewing. The research on resource and environent are strengthened widely. These are the distinct characteristics and tendency of the development in the present scientific technoloty of geology.Though the college has made good progress, the research of areal geology and the research of resource and enviornment must be strengthened. The research of edge sub jects new subjects the research of new technoloty and new methods must payed more attention. The college are trying to complete some research results which can show the level, the feature and the direction of the college, train an army of key members and leaders in every subject, and make the college the centre of both education and scientific research.
Journal of Jilin University:Earth Science Edition