一、矿区地质特征 夹皮沟金矿位于中朝准地台北侧东段边缘,浑河—辉发河深断裂的东南侧。夹皮沟金矿带西由辉南县石棚沟金矿向北东延长100公里到夹皮沟转成北西方向延长150公里到和龙县金城洞金矿一带在鞍山群三道沟组中广泛分布有金矿与铁矿,表现了非常明显的层控与时控特点(图1)。
Jiapigou gold mine is an oid mine of 160 year of mining histoiy It is a strata bound ore deposit in the metamorphic complex of amphibolite facies in the lower iron-bearing series, sandaogou formation, Anshan Group, Precambtian eonThe sandaogou formation is consisted of meta-volcanic-sedimentary rocks, its mainmember, the amphibolite, may constitute the countiy rock of the disseminated gold ore. According to the sulphur isotopic study of 320 samples, the average δs34 of the ore is 5.6‰, the average of the country rock is + 21‰, of certain showing a common source of sulphur derivation according to the characteristic distribution elements the lower iron-bearing bed is considered to be the Source bed of gold. 83 pieces of K-Ar age of the country rock and 17 pieces of pb-pb age of the ore indicate the mobilization, migrationand precipitation of gold had taken place in 2400m y.-1800m. y. B. P. in the metamorphic processand the magmatic activity. Structurely the ore deposit is confined in the NW schistosity and the thermal dynamo metamorphic belt. During the variscan orogenic movement the ore was further enriched Thus the Jiapigou gold ore deposit is a strata bounded metamorphic hydrothermal solution ore deposit in greenstone belt of precambrian era and is charaterized by a multistages of evolution.
Journal of Jilin University:Earth Science Edition