位于山东省招远县境内的玲珑金矿是我国著名金矿床。矿田内,以含金石英脉为主的金矿脉多达200余条,矿脉严格受断裂控制。 一、构造形迹特征及力学性质 矿田产于玲珑混合花岗岩之中,矿田的主要构造形迹是充填各类岩墙或矿脉的断裂(图1),其次是节理片麻理。
Linglong is a famous gold source of our country. Strengthening a synthetical research of the ore field geology is a task of top priority for the present limited reserves. Applying the geomechanical theory, the paper studies the features of the control ore fault of the ore field in detail, ascertains the mineralization tectonic system and points out the direction of looking for mineral deposits further. The author advances new views for the control ore structure of the ore field: ( 1) the Linglong fault and the Jiuqu fault zone are primary structures of the ore con duction for the ore field; (2) the faults of the north-east and approximately latitudinal directions and their intersection are good structures of the ore fieldj (3) these faults mainly belong to the component of the latitudinal tectonic system in the early stages and in the stress field of the Neocathaysian tectonic system they move about again in the later stages, becoming a compound fault of the new system) (4) the Neocathaysian system is a mineralization tectonic system. These new views have been already verified to a certain extent, increasing the prospective reserves of the ore field. Evidently, they are of importance for seeking and exploiting the deposits of the same kind.
Journal of Jilin University:Earth Science Edition