由国际地质对比计划中国全国委员会、长春地质学院和国际地质对比计划第91项中国工作组发起,长春地质学院主办的“国际早前寒武纪成矿作用讨论会”于1985年10月10日—13日在长春地质宫举行学术报告会,10月14日—20日全体国外代表和部分国内代表赴辽东半岛地质考察。 召开这次国际地质会议的决定,是1984年8月在莫斯科召开的国际地质对比计划第91项工作组特别会议上一致通过的。
The International Symposium on Metallogeny of the Early Precambrian that proposed by the China's National Committee of IGCP, Changchun College of Geology and Chinese Working Group of IGCP Project No. 91 and sponsored by Changchun College of Geology was held in 10-13 October, 1985 at the Geological Palace of Changchun College of Geology, and after the meeting, in 14-20, October the whole body of foreign guests and part of the Chinese participants went to Liaodong Peninsula to have a field excursion.There are 190 represenfatives attended to the meeting, they are coming iroi Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Demark, Finland, Britain, France, Iran, India, American, U.S. S. R. and China, the 13 countries. 50 of them had read their papers at the meeting.In the meeting the representatives exchanged their ideas widely on subjects of formation and evolution sulfide ore deposits, bandediron ore deposits, and gold ore deposits in Archaean greenstone belts and high grade terrains, but discussions on the Early Proterozoic ore deposits were mostly emphasized.Besides, topics on the relation between crustal evolution, metamorphic structural style, geochemistry, isotopic chronology and metallogene in Eary Precambrian were also ardently discussed.The meeting was greatly appreciated by the participants.It is useful for learning the process of global precambrian metallogensis.
Journal of Jilin University:Earth Science Edition