China is one of main producers of gold in the world. The most important gold lodes concentrate in five gold provinces. They are. 'Jiaodong in Shandong (A), Dandong in South Liaoning (B), Huadian in' Jilin (C) East Hebci (D) and Xiaoqinling(E)in Shanxi. The verified gold reserves in these areas make up about 40% of total gold reserve in China.The geology of the gold lodes such as the magnitude mode of occurrence, lode and dike alternation spatial and temporal evolution, mineralogy,rsize and occurence of gold grains, polystage alteration of country rock, depth of mineralization and geochemistry, isotopic age, chayacteristics of stabe isotopes of Pb, S, D-O, etc. shows that the most important gold lodes in China are intermediate to deep magmalic-hydrothermal origin.But. during the process of mineralization, the gold was mixed with mixed lead.Sulphur and meteoritic water, whose real importance is unknown. Granitic rocks sliyhtly older than gold mineralization controled the distribution of ore body and were formed from the same magma reservoir as the ore-bearing solutions.Granitic rocks are cognate with gold-ores, and not the 'mother-rocks'of the latter as usually proposed.The classic magmatic hydrothermal tnetallogenic theory has to be revised.
Journal of Jilin University:Earth Science Edition
goldf lodes, magma hydrothermal Deposits